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hell yea

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Everything posted by hell yea

  1. i have this brand of towbar but carnt figer out what to do with this ?:confused24:
  2. get it right
  3. yes nuthing like siting on a pigmy to upset an eliphant:rotf:
  4. harden up soft buts lol
  5. pygmies..... c3po am i missing sumthing ? lol
  6. welcome :whistling:love your ride
  7. so it looks like at 50 im a junyer member lol
  8. yep cb 450 for me at 15 no licence and no idear but i survived and went on to a suckseshen of honda 4 even had a turbocharged one that ate pistons on a regular basics........dont know how i managed to get the pick of the hardley in there sorry if i managed to offend any one
  9. yes and i should read posts properly before responding lol
  10. show and tell what have you fond thats obsoleat our interesting ?
  11. im happy
  12. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/160563163655?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2648 .....yes its madness but i got both haven't tried the casset yet but for 1.25 how gives:cool10: a dam lol
  13. FJR ? year and model pleas as v maxes are not common hear
  14. fond this on flebay new old stock my old one was very rusty she has a lot of old yamaha parts but only has parts numbers on most will post the link when i find it SO has anyone else fond any thing interesting our obsoleat out there ? http://myworld.ebay.com.au/oaty1
  15. #5 Report Post Old Today, 03:00 AM sleepy2 sleepy2 is offline 2012 Royal Star Venture sleepy2 has a Profile Picture Supporting Member Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: Find sleepy2 on Google Maps! Woodstock Canada Ontario Default I too like Freebird have looked for years since I bought my 87VR back in 2002 but had no luck. Like Brake Pad's post for the wooden models being made. If we could get a group buy I would be interested in one of my 1987 & 2012. Did find a model of my ROAD STAR at Harley swap meet 2 years ago.Brand new in box for $15. Traded bike but kept model...................can we see a pick of the model and box it came in please
  16. yes if we can find sum one with asses to a large lazzer scaner to make a didgital fial than we could reduces it and print it out lol any meager nerd out there with suggestions ? THIS IS A MATER OF UP MOST IMPORTANCE and i think each member would by at least one lol i would
  17. have put a plug and spacer in as suggested :detective:think that will fix the problem thanks for the advice gys
  18. fond this from yamaha its not a vencher but its still prity cool for a free be ;;;;; http://global.yamaha-motor.com/yamahastyle/entertainment/papercraft/
  19. dus any one have our know of a first gen model kit ? . if anybody has a model of any venture first our second would love to see a pic and a discripshon
  20. ps earl she is black
  21. 1 i am over 50 2 i do use the spellchecker were i can 3 that is the best i can do aside from sending my posts to you via a pm to be prof read the world is full of all kinds summertime we have to make allowance for other pepols shortcomings belive me i have tried to fix this spelling thing but no dice ill learn a word by rout have it down then a week later it upside down and back to frunt but my brain tells me its right so that makes it hard 4 dont mean to ofend or upset aney one:bighug:
  22. Originally Posted by syscrusher View Post Langae zi da fundaton af soscty un wurd zi buldun blks zi langae. Zho enf respek to yur felo memburs zi soscty to mac yursef undrstud bi speelin wurds zi cunvinshunalli akseptid manur...................................................................................................................................posting this just seams to be nasty i ame positive i am not the onley bad speller on this forem. so if you carnt read it dont bother becors i dont nead the abues
  23. not every body is gifted with the abillity to spell like a english techer sory if my dislecsier ofends you its not lazzyness as much as it is a disability that has plaged me all my life , have no idear about gramer ether
  24. yes my rear tab is gone i put a light zip ties on the petrol cap hing and through the bolt holeas a safty but will look at securing it properly maby mack a new tab
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