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hell yea

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Everything posted by hell yea

  1. you did all that and stayed upright well that's a testimony on how well the venture handles and just how recklessly you endanger your pillion. just saying do that on a wing and recover i dear you
  2. dan in os we just pull on a pair of steel cap safety boots works a treat gota be a bit genteel our you brake them lol http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/MENS-JOB-MATE-STEEL-CAP-WORK-BOOTS-SIZE-10-LEATHER-BLACK-99c-/261508453679?pt=AU_Men_Shoes&hash=item3ce31e552f& not the boots the badgys ps no head shots knees work well head shots kill
  3. seams to have a sachs 125 engine still looking but hears another use for that motor
  4. an easy one come on have a go
  5. ok nobody got it hear it is A Swedish Hedlund V-twin, Cafe Racer.
  6. Originally Posted by frankd View Post Then adjust the low cylinders (by turning the screws for them ccw) until they go up and match the higher ones. Then raise the idle speed back up and do it again. ok that worked thank you
  7. thanks gys will try thismorning and will get back with piks and resolts
  8. ok will try that in the morning thanks for the info
  9. can get the carb 1 colom to drop but not carb 2 aney gesses as to whats going on there
  10. when i hook my 83 vencher up to my carb synk tool i get this is this indickative of a problem our am i doing sumthing roung it the synk tool seams to work ok on the v max
  11. yep that fixt it lol thank you muchley :bighug:
  12. moving its an electrical prob nothing to do with-air flow cant work out why the clutch makes a difference though very od bike runs fine just temp Gage runs off taco wen clutch disengaged lol like i sead clutch in temp gauge works as it should clutch out temp drops as revs increase :detective:
  13. its not going fast that kills stopping to fast is what does it as for doing 100 mph that's why we ride fest gens isn't it ?:stirthepot:
  14. will try that in the morning
  15. when my bike is at operating temp and i accelerate my temp gauge drops all the way to the botom as my revs increase but if i hold the clutch in it operates as it should does any one know why this may be :confused24:
  16. a hint when cheking egsost put spit on finger and quickley tuch it to egsost if it hisses and evaperats emediatly its runing on that cylinder if it just stays there its not ps i know its obveas but hyave seen pepol grab a hot heder pipe and get badley bernt so do it with spit on the finger and wipe it on the heders lol and remember they get hot enough to take off fleash be carfull
  17. everything you will ever need to know about reparing our mantaning your venture http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=85292
  18. you will lose second gear sum were between 60>75k but thats a ways of yet and not to hard to repeair nows a good time to start looking for a parts bike 86 our above they don't have the second gear ishuw i love theas bikes my 83 has 80+k on it did the 2gear fix at 75 when it stared jumping out would not traed it for aneything chek out this post for 2gear info http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=86009
  19. wouldn't swap my first gen for anything have a 96 vmax but much prefer riding my old girl
  20. the oley thing you need to do is swop your drive pinyon gear and shims over to the new tranny you will need a pres for that i got the lokall bike shop to do it for me cost me a bit lol but was cheaper than buying a press
  21. it is the wear in the thrust washers that cors 2nd gear to jump out.... on the later model tranny they are herder and dont suffer from wear also they made the dogs on second a bit longer so theres no posibility of it jumping out which is why i sugest the compleat replasment of the old trany it obsoleat and not werth reparing the grovs should not be there they are onley adout 2/3 mm deep but its enough whitch is why they made the dogs longer on the later tranys
  22. by far the best fix cheapest and no need to back cut our anything else just fit and forget no more tyranny probs :cool10:
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