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Everything posted by Silverado6x6

  1. If my 2009 Start xvs1300 Tourer was paid off i would gladly sell it el cheapo to you, I hate that bike, it only has 1750 miles on it since I bought it new, since i bought my 89 VR its the only one I ride. At least you are OK, too many morons out there stuck in their virtual la la land on a road to ruin. yeah it you were in Alaska I have two Honda Cx bikes for sale and sometime maybe not soon an 83 venture as soon as I get the CDI back in and the body painted.
  2. I have a chunk of schedule 80 thickwall tubing, it will have a 3/4" hole drilled through a welded plug at one end for a 3/4x3/4 Heim joint, the threaded section will have flat washers and a locking nut on the inside so it will have some ability to rotate but not loose. thats just off the top of my head, I also have various bearings I can also use and thrust washers, or just have a sleeve of Delrin to make it very smooth turning, this piece is then to be the trailer tongue with a 360 degree swivel and the no slack of a heim joint which has its own internal bearing, the Bushtec pin measured very close to 3/4". more like .746 I think it was. I am a fabricator and machinist, when I can I will post pics of my version of a Bushtec tongue.
  3. The S-104 Slipstreamer is supposed to fit the xvz12 and xvz13 models.
  4. I will be installing a new Slipstreamer windshield on my 89 VR today, I will see what the Yammy shop has for acrylic.
  5. Apparently its an early Bushtec design, I manage a concrete batch plant and I have tons of rod ends lying around though I just did a search on Ebay and they have some nice chromed stuff pretty cheap, next step will be to integrate that on a swivel tongue, I have built similar attachments though much bigger for tractor trailers being a diesel mechanic, scale just goes down. When I get to the shop I will measure the shoulder and just get a heim joint, it will be in a captive swivel unit I will have to fabricate. I plan on using a lightweight torsion bar axle with low profile snow machine trailer tires. I already have a sled trailer so I want the same tires. I think the PO had some form of electrical brakes on whatever trailer they had, there was a flat 6 way plug and harness, I removed it because it was not very well installed using heaven forbid, scotchlocks!
  6. On my 89 Venture Royale it has a weird looking hitch, sort of a chromed rod except the upper half will thread off, the bottom is welded to the hitch frame and has a link welded to bottom, I have never seen anything like this and I am about to pull out the cutting torch to remove it and convert to a standard 1 7/8" ball. I am fabricating a trailer for my bike and the only recourse I see is to get a swivel rod end that will go over this, I do not see anything on the Bushtec site about buying just the swivel tongue. My fabrication skills are upper level but I just do not see any threads about building a matching tongue to this style of hitch. Ok, just did a search, mine looks just like this one. http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i418/twigg2324/1986%20Yamaha%20Venture%20Royale/IMG_0502.jpg
  7. On my other ride the 2009 Star 1300 Tourer i immediately replaced the stock Dunlops with Metzelers, its a good tire but where i live in Alaska combined with my short riding season and the fact that I actually hate riding that bike even for a 2009 it only has 1750 miles on it, even less on the tires, so they are 4 years old already and with just 1500 miles on them, and they were expensive. But I love my 89 Venture Royale, so I bought a Shinko 230 rear tire for it saturday, should be at the Yammy shop in day or two. Cost me $100 and I will mount it myself, I'm cheating, will put bike up on a forklift to change rear tire. In summary since I put a small amount of miles on a bike per year to me the Shinko was the best deal, and they have a good load rating, V rated for speed. Will also do the front maybe as soon as next week. I already have bought and mounted Shinkos on my 83 Honda CX650, a bit of advice for mounting them, heat them up first. I used a large hot air gun, they are a stiff side wall tire.
  8. We had a front moved in over sat and sunday, and i decided to leave the silv erado dually at work, so i had to ride in 14 miles in a light mist rain and quarter mile dense fog. Wasn't cold or even wet. kept my speed below 35mph. And at 3am up here in alaska. so it was pitch black dark. love those hid lights!
  9. I am building a device that uses a fake hand maybe with a glove, it has a fixed two finger wave, its on a solonoid so it flips out like an old style vw turn signal.
  10. I use the Peak Asian long life coolant in my 89 Venture, with distilled water. Its a pale kind of yellow looking stuff.
  11. Why not a secondary 20a 12vdc relay like a Bosch for driving lights after the timer relay? I use those a lot.
  12. On my recently acquired 89 Venture the Metzelers were found to be late 99 tires, so first chance I am buying a set of Shinko 230 Tourmasters, I bought a set for another bike and I liked them.
  13. I just purchase that timed relay and socket just to try this out, I like the AD feature on my 89 and I'm not quite ready to change my front springs yet.
  14. Here is a simpler one, has two poles instead of the four pole I just posted and has a base, wiring it may involve going through the NO path then when energized the adjustable timer opens contacts, resets every time you apply brakes sending a control voltage, or its a timed delay to on, either way timed delay on or off its just a matter of wiring to the NO or NC path. http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-12V-H3Y-2-Delay-Timer-Time-Relay-0-60-Second-12VDC-Base-/350682044369?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51a64757d1 http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t408/dingzaigu/mengdan%202/1-1-7.jpgThis is a little bit clunky but is only a couple inches long and they weigh very little, the contacts will handle the load, the control coil uses very little power. So this is my version, there are semiconductor versions also on Ebay, after some research I may find a smaller more compact unit.
  15. I happen to be the chief operations maintenance supervisor at a concrete batching facility, in summary I build control systems for computerized automated batching equipment, I have a Graingers catalog that has 12v timers, on, off delayed you name it but sometimes you can just use something off the shelf. Like the loader operators complained about having to physically get out of the bucket loader to manually depress buttons at a material hopper that directs the different material to different bins, so I bought a cheapo Radio Shack RC car, took out the receiver, connected it to some relays, connected the unit to a permanent power source and then left the 4 way transmitter alone, it stays in the loader, now they can start and stop the aggregate feed belt and changed the rotary feed chute from at least 20' away from the hopper. My son at the time was 10 years old, got all upset when I gave him the empty shell of the Rc car, it tied a shoelace to it and pulled it around the house. I am not a terribly good electronics person, I know more than most but it seems to me that should a person wish to keep their AD there should be an interval timer on it, I may just opt for a manual switch with a relay or even a slim pressure switch actually on the brake lever that you can use that opens a relay thus turning off the AD while using hand brake on an incline at a stop light. Here is what I can use and get, actually this image is from Ebay, they have smaller ones but these are not heavy, I can wire these in my sleep. Here is the Ebay link, not my final choice but a start, yes the coil is supposed to be 12vdc for the control. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Timer-relay-H3Y-4-H3Y-250V-5A-60sec-60s-DC12V-12VDC-/370728168021?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item56511eea55 http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t408/dingzaigu/mengdan%202/1-4-2.jpghttp://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t408/dingzaigu/mengdan%202/1-2-7.jpg
  16. Just to revive an old thread, why not install an electrical timer that energizes the Ad coils just for a short period no matter how long the brakes are applied? Like a 5 second timer? Long enough for them to function yet cuts off power when say at a stop light with brakes applied.
  17. I have a 2009 Star 1300 Tourer, V twin 1304cc, water cooled, 5 sp, belt drive, its basically a cruiser with a couple of sidebags, has a god awful windshield, almost nothing has really improved long distance riding on this bike, I added a Roxx Riser kit, angled the windshield back, modded the seat, its still a cruiser and is still uncomfortable to ride, I bought it new off the showroom floor in 2009. It only has 1750 miles. Its been parked in my bike shed and not ridden in almost a month now since I picked up an 89 Royale. I love my Royale. I bought my first one a fire restoration project last month and then the Royale two weeks ago, I am riding it everyday its so nice. can't stand the low rpm two cycle pulse combined with belt throb and I am a most convinced no matter how good it sounds an air cooled engine won't last as long as a water cooled one, it may last as long but what about oil leakage and burning? Until I find something better I am hooked on the V4 engine. And shaft drives, liquid cooling, real fairings and big traditional trunks.
  18. I have been riding my recently acquired 89 Royale the last week to and from work here in Alaska and the subdivision is a gravel road where I live, saturday my CLASS did an E4 fault, I was about ready to spend $75 for a used one on Ebay when I decided to search the forum, and lo and behold after re soldering the pins its working wonderfully, many many thanks for that article, its one of the best tutorials I have ever used. Its not difficult if you have some soldering skills.
  19. My cruise has the same problems. I suspect its in the clutch switch.
  20. Here is a redneck fix for those pesky turn signal woes, splice in a parallel light socket for a small regular bulb such as a 194 or such, paint it black and tuck it up in the fairing before the front turn signals, flasher "feels" a regular resistive filament lamp.
  21. I bought a triple power socket from Walmart last night, has an on/off switch and a lighted cord end, lighted at the switch and all sockets but I snipped out the LED leads so it doesn't light up, cut off the cigaret lighter end and spliced it into my trunk light on the 89 Royale. I can turn it off or on, bike running or not, I have a ton of power socket plug ins for either my cell or my tablet, placed a thick moppy kind of a rug, like a twisted bathroom shag in the floor of the trunk, pads my electronic stuff, I don't use the auto light but instead a battery powered LED stick on light in the upper lid, more light and no drain on battery.
  22. Get some aquarian tubing, stick over bleeder and into a container or you will get a soaked exhaust pipe.works best when it flows into a container partially fille, that way when you release handle it won't suck air back in.
  23. Had same problem with my 89 when i got it two weeks ago. Flushed and filled with dot 4 synthetic.Been working great since then. Po thought clutch was shot.
  24. Just a couple of hours ago I also re-soldered the particular circuit board pins as after I took mt recently acquired 89 RSV home on a bumpy road it gave me the E4 message, and I also will chime in and say many many thanks, I was just about ready to buy another CLASS,
  25. Last week I tried replacing the bad diodes in my 83, no luck. Tci was already toast, waiting for funds now for ignitech.
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