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About Dusk

  • Birthday 09/19/1965

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Attleboro, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Muscle Cars, Motorcycles, Computers, Linux, Sci Fi, Horror, 80's Rock, Blues...
  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Yamaha Venture XVZ12
  1. I did... I should update my post. I did file and the state did cut me a check. The totaled the bike. To fix what was damaged will cost more than the check. I move back to the city, and am renting until I sell my house. I don't have a garage. Even if I did I would need my mechanic to do some of the repairs. Selling her for a few bucks in whole or part is the best solution for me. One I get my house sold and get life back in order I will hunt down another 1st gen. There is a second gen that parks in the same lots that park my ride (or did). I try not to look at it
  2. I know this should be listed in the for sale section. But I want to get this out there. Long story short. My bike ran out of gas in the Tip O'neil Tunnel here in MA. After a little more than half an hour a state trooper and flat bed came along. Unfortunately the driver of the flat bed did not tie down the bike correctly. After leaving the tunnel and pulling into the state police barracks parking lot (it is close to the tunnel) the bike tipped over. The right side of the fairing, along with associated parts got wrecked. Luckily the bike has crash guards. The damage is mostly cosmetic. I simply don't have the time or money to put into getting the bike back into shape. I did file with the state and they totaled the bike. I got what I paid for the bike. Sadly it will cost more to repair the bike. Also I lack storage space. To to it off I am fixing up my house to sell. I simply got lots going on now. The engine runs strong and has lots of life left in her. I road her back and forth to work most every day. From Attleboro to Cambridge and Waltham. I hate to let her go, or part her out. but right now it's the best thing I can do. I can't find the title, so I am going to fill out the paperwork to get a new one. But if you are looking for parts that would not be a problem. I have posted some of the work I had done. Along with pictures (She don't look quite the same now). Link to pictures - [/url]http://necrotechandbytch.com/~dusk/venture/ Some of the work that has been done. All four carbs were rebuilt. Replaced the linkage too. Complete tuneup. Wires plugs etc. Rebuilt the forks. Replaced gear shifter. New head gaskets. Replaced the exhaust collector. Replaced that star washer and associated parts. New tires. Metzler New stereo and speakers. Added extra lights. And much more. The bike is at my mechanic. You can call him and ask about the bike. He did all the work. Best Cycle & Jet Ski Repair South Attleboro MA 508-761-9779
  3. How long have you been married? How about answers for people that are single, divorced, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Marriage. Or maybe living in blissful sin with a significant other? This is one big-ass smiley!
  4. Yeah it does. I hope thats close to what it wll look like when they roll it off the line. One thing will be true.. the engine won't be as detuned as the current max. These v4's can put out well over 200hp.
  5. Yeah that link has a space in the url.. that is odd. The %20 should work. That is the new max. Being that the max was built off the v4 used for the venture I am wondering if they have thought about our favorite scoot.
  6. I can't wait to see the final concept hit the road. If there is a new 2nd gen Mad Max, will they make a 3rd gen Venture? http://www.monstermax.com/Vmax news.html http://www.monstermax.com/Vmax%20news%20page/2007%20Vmax/concept1full.jpg
  7. HA!!! So true!!!
  8. As long as you are OK. Thats all that matters. Also.. we all lay down now and then. Just get up and take a bow Did you do it with style? Got pitchers? You know we want to see pictures.
  9. Here we go. For us Massachusetts peeps it's getting close to 3.50 (three fitty). http://www.massachusettsgasprices.com/
  10. I myself have made it a point to not ride the scoot at times. Just to avoid giving rides to some heavy people I know. I have a friend who's wife a very big woman. Over 250 easy. I don't want to hurt feelings, so I avoid the whole take me for a ride topic by caging it up for visits. Everybody has there own opinion about riding two up. But one thing is true especially for the 1st gens. They are top heavy all by themselves. It takes time to get use to handling them at low speeds and in the twisties. My sister weighs about as much as a fly, but taking off into a turn with her on the back can be a PITA. Add that with some uneven pavement and you got a possible lay down ahead without even trying. So I do make it a point to not ride two up with people that are bigger than me. Not just weight, but also hight. Esp men. We are heavier on top. These are big bikes. Be it a 1st gen or 2nd. When they start to go over, they are gonna go.
  11. This sounds like the 1st gen star washer problem. I never heard of 2nd gens having this issue though.
  12. Guess I need to update the title now
  13. Not sure if this has been posted already. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zjt5oca0Kdk]YouTube - pd0jac yamaha 1200 cc[/ame]
  14. Dusk

    Old meets new.

  15. Dusk

    Old meets new.

    I need some of them business cards!
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