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Everything posted by Bert2006

  1. Ok that helps confirm the wiring. Only remaining question is how to remove passenger seat? Thanks again for your help.
  2. Thanks bongobobny, But i need to tie to harness under the seat as the lights will be attached to the bottom of the trunk and i do not want wires going down to the license plate. Ok I think I found it in another post, Yellow is brake Blue is running Brown is left turn Green is right turn Black is ground Is that correct?
  3. Hi folks, Been searching site for an hour for what wires to connect to when adding extra brake lights. I am looking to install my Bikevis red bullets and am not sure what wires are what. I also have the modulator that will alow me to use them as running\brake. What color is the brake, ground, etc on the bike. Also looking to tying into the harness under seat. To do so, do i need to remove the passenger seat? If yes how is it done. Thanks in advance for helping me out.
  4. I have been looking for these and cannot find them. Local HD dealer could not find in parts catalogue using part numbers provided. Where can we get them from? Thanks
  5. Seaking I assume you mean the throttle cable?
  6. Thanks Sarges46, will give it a try.
  7. Hi folks, I have a couple of questions on how to use cruise control and on the odometer. When you set the cruise and release the throttle, is it normal for it to drop speed by about 5 m/h then resume the set speed? Also, when set, I rest my hand on the throttle, but seem to unintentionnaly twist the handle and increase speed. Any tricks on how to avoid doing this. I tried placing my palm on the counterweight end, but that induces countersteer and moves the bike. Any hints? For the odometer, can it be switched to KM instead of miles. The bike was originally sold in NH so it has Miles with KM inset on the speedo and odo is in Miles. If it can be done, how? Thanks
  8. Hey, congrats. Love this colour, same as mine. :
  9. They are actually white light, would have the same issue here with the blue lights. They make both blue and white though.
  10. Just installed Bikevis LED Bullets on front on bike. Wanted something to catch the attention of cagers here as they are prone to cut you off. They even cut off transports without hesitation so bikers need all the help we can get. Made bracket to attach to front side reflectors and tied them into the wires for the fog/running lights. Used 2 on each side. Seem to make a difference as it is causing cagers to take a second look. Still need to be vigilant though. Will be installing similar bullets to the rear (red) so that they work in sink with brake light.
  11. That is the colour of mine also. Hope you enjoy! Beautiful bikes in any colour but this one does stand outespecially in the sun, sems to light up.
  12. Evan and Anne, Thanks for sharing your adventure. It was great to be able to follw your progress. Great pictures by the way. Anxious to go on an extended trip now.
  13. Here is how it works here in NB. Gaz stations have two underground tanks, one for regular with 10% ethanol, the second is premium with no ethanol. When you select the mid-grade the pump pulls gaz from both tanks and blends them with the resulting 5% ethanol. Ethanol was only introduced here a couple years ago and for me i have seen substantiall reduction in mileage with it. And there are also the water issues with it. I use regular in the car, but high test or premium in the bike and snow blower and lawn mower. Hope this helps!
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