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Everything posted by Bert2006

  1. Snow will not stop us maritimers....... http://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.1595192!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg
  2. Do you have a clip.......
  3. Cant ignore the 2nd gen either:cool10: http://www.imcdb.org/vehicles_make-Yamaha_model-XVZ+1300+TF+Royal+Star+Venture.html Only one though......
  4. ''Freebird - I was willing to just let it go and add no additional comments until this last post in which he says " Personally, I don't give a damn about this website, but I do care a lot for it's members and their common love of Venture MC." Now to me, this website IS the members here and without this website, he and the rest of us would never have heard of or met many of the friends that we have made. So to not give a damn about this website is an offensive remark to me after the many years and hours I have spent getting it started and keeping it going''. Freebird - for all its worth - I for one do value this site as without it the connections are just not going to happen. Will stay out of the other debate though and agree that it is time for folks to make amends outside of this thread.
  5. Nothing free......guess who is shoveling the stuff tonght:rotf: Seriously, he is a good kid. At college, on division winning varsity soccer team and works part-time at Cnd Tire. He deserves a break once in a while..I am so proud of him:cool10:
  6. We are in the middle of the first major snow storm of the year. Had to drive my son to work as his small car could not get out of the subdivision. Took the 06 chev Equinox sport and got him there no problem. Almost a foot of snow all the way. Real powdery stuff...lots of fun to play in...yo..hooo! Best part is that I get to do it again in a few hours.
  7. Love it. It provides support to the palm and eases pressure on wrists. Highly recommend it.
  8. We are up to only 38 indicating they want one. Unless interest gets substantially higher I cant see why someone would invest in the business. Too bad.
  9. Too bad its not Harley brand, it could fall of on its own.... Sorry, could not help myself...had to o there.....
  10. Could try to freeze it with a can of compressed air and then give it good blow with a hamer and chizel to see if it would break.
  11. Am actually trying to see if there is interest. Dragonslayer seems to be interested to take a go at it but would be looking for a partner. would be nice if there was enough interest.
  12. SEAFOAM.. Cant get enought... I put that sh... in everything:rotf:
  13. Follow this link http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21397
  14. I would certainly get one black or colour matched if possible.
  15. Actually the poll you created does what I wanted to do...test the interest in WG's. Thanks
  16. How do you post a poll. I want to ask if people would buy a Wagner Grill if it became available again? Thanks
  17. Cool....
  18. With over 1000 views on this thread already it may be a good indication that there is high level of interest. Dont know how to do it, but maybee if a poll was set up to see who (how many) would be interested in purchasing one, that may convince someone to take the jump and re-start the business? Just a thought. For me' I would get one if I could find one...but would be expecting the same level of quality as to when M. Wagner was producing them.
  19. Probably gone for good now that the 2nd Gen is history. Too bad, would have been nice to see the Wagner legacy continue.
  20. :sign yeah that:
  21. $700 when you factor in taxes is way to expensive for that unit.
  22. http://ontario.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-motorcycles-motorcycle-parts-accessories-Antique-Coffin-Trailer-W0QQAdIdZ550130929
  23. And install winter tires:snow2:
  24. Thanks for the update......you are a patient man.....I would have given him a reason to go on with the race card ...........what a bunch of loosers...
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