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Everything posted by Bert2006

  1. I bought this a few weeks ago. Lots of You Tube videos show how it works. Have not used it yet, but looks like a good system. http://www.canadasmotorcycle.ca/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/330x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/S/t/Stop__amp__Go_Tubeless_Tire_Plugger_With_CO2_detail.jpg Here is a link to where I got it: http://www.canadasmotorcycle.ca/stop-go-pocket-tubeless-tire-plugger-with-co2.html Videos: https://www.google.ca/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D3NfuBFNaA1U&sa=U&ei=w65aU6n7FKiCyQGhz4CYBw&ved=0CD8QtwIwAA&usg=AFQjCNF9a3wvcudOOtYpq1t4gyd3xrK2Pw https://www.google.ca/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DDDEsSIh_Kjg&sa=U&ei=w65aU6n7FKiCyQGhz4CYBw&ved=0CEIQtwIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNHjWUZbPweauzNND6ai2cU8Hkkieg https://www.google.ca/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DO8SESIjvYn0&sa=U&ei=w65aU6n7FKiCyQGhz4CYBw&ved=0CFEQtwIwBg&usg=AFQjCNHt53M5efOJPohuNa365QS9R1BuhA
  2. Now there is a very good dual purpose tip. Thanks for that.
  3. Took a while to get used to the heel\toe shifter at first and found myself in neutral as a result on a number of times. Was lucky to not drop it. Also noticed that shifting can get iffy or not as smooth if you let your engine oil get dirty or stretch too much between changes.
  4. Try the HJC ones, they have a more rounded shape and thus give extra space for the ears. Great for folks who wear glasses. They are a bit noiser than one piece full face though. Look for the ones with the retractable sun shield.
  6. Max 7lbs for the front forks and 57lbs for the rear shocks. Use a hand pump with a no leak valve like this one I keep mine at 2lbs and 40lbs. It has a guage on it too. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PRECISION-MOUNTAIN-BIKE-SUSPENSION-FORK-SHOCK-PUMP-QUALITY-CHEAP-NEW-/331123188150.
  7. They should work as long as they are 5 pins but when I bought my headsets last summer, there were a lot of neg reviews about them. I opted for J&M entry level ones instead. Great for talking, but music quality is so so.
  8. Man you like to live on the edge.....dont cha!:rotf:
  9. Not yet, will update as soon as that happens:canada:
  10. Had promissed an update, so here goes. Was out tonight adjusting the aim for the headlight with bike in the driveway and using garage door to aim lamp. Had to use low beam as opposed to high beam to aim it. There is not much difference with high beam on but the low beam is brighter than halogen lamp. I left it a bit higher than normal on the adjustment and will see when I run at night if cagers protest or not. So in the end it seems that the same issues with HID will exist with this bulb.ie:reflector not very usefull for high beam. Also, no interference with the radio at all. Was out today during daytime and cagers actually moved further on their side when meeting me, so it seems to get their attention. Had passing lamps on too.
  11. Idd say youre treading on dangerous ground......but we wont tell.....
  12. We have snow being called for tomorow morning, so not out of the woods yet:snow2:
  13. Just let us know when and were and hope timing is good:group cheers: Suppose you are out west earning some
  14. Got first ride of the season in this morning. Got from Fredericton to Nackawick and back on the old road that follows the Saint-John River. About a 1h30min trip. It was a bit cold at only 4c but sunny all the way. Big Red performed flawlessly and was begging to get openned up and let loose......which did happen. On neg side was that there was lots of residual salt patches on the way back and I had to give the bike a thorough cleaning.....but that was fun too.:cool10: oh and there were a few deer out licking the salt of the road so had to watch for them too.
  15. Sweet.....works for me...
  16. From my point of view (newcomer ) and to clarify, I totally agree with you that the list has value and should be maintained and be made available to actual members of the site. What I do not agree with is heading in the direction of a list that gets broadcasted throughout the internet, emailed or is made available to anyone without any forms of controls. Lets remember that the list contains information that could be used for bad things also. In this age of internet fraud, I would prefer, as a member, to know where the list is and have access to it (like it is set up now) so I could review it prior to trips and decide which parts of it could be of use at that time. I would also want to know that my information is protected and will not be used negativelly.
  17. Got to see most of it here as I could not sleep
  18. Hey I beat by about 10 feet this saturday. Got to ride bike out of garage on driveway to wash it and then another 10 feet drive to get it back in.....But man it was exciting:Laugh: Could have gone out but still too much crud on the roads this week. Looks like Easter weekend will the official start of season date for me.
  19. Wow nice and tidy...good job:thumbsup:
  20. Classy looking.....good job:clap2:
  21. Can you post pictures of what you have so we could see what your holder and your brake reservoir look like??? Would be easier for us to help.
  22. Check out this page. If its the unit you have there is a video that explains the install. Sounds like you simply replace the existing screws on your reservoir with the ones provided with the kit http://www.rammount.com/CatalogResults/PartDetails/tabid/63/partid/082065077045066045049056050085/Default.aspx
  23. Up to this week I was hoping it would improve and had been recording the episodes. No more, they lost me, rather watch ''Big Bang Theory'' re-runs.
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