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Everything posted by Bert2006

  1. Shocks = 40 psi in rear and 2 psi in front Tires = 36 psi in front and 40 to 42 psi in rear
  2. Why would you not go with a good quality headset as the bike is already wired for it. That way you will get better sound quality without anoying everybody else riding around or with you.
  3. That happenned to me last year and it was one of the screws that had worked itself loose. Had to completely disassemble the mechanism to allow it to open fully and then reassembled it. Works like a charm now, but that two step process for closing it is annoying:bang head:
  4. I have yet to ride in the dark with the bike this year so cant speak to how it illuminates yet. The fan has develloped a squeaky noise on start up that disapears after 30 to 40 seconds, so that may be its weak point. As started previously, its low beam is strong and gets your attention during day. High beam does not seem to make much difference asside from illuminating ground closer to bike. Once I get to ride at night I will have a better idea.
  5. Got the Commander IIs installed this morning. Rode about 40miles after to try them out and boy is it an improvement. When I got the bike I removed the lowering kit and saw a major improvement in riding. With these new tires it is almost another similar improvement in handling. Thanks again to all who piped in and shared their experiences with them. On another note the tech who worked on the bike seemed a bit off this morning. Started by installing the front backwards and having to do it all again. Then he did not know how to remove the back wheel and had to get help from another tech. Was also getting the carbs sync done and he had to go back to the computer to get instructions as he was having trouble. I did not make a fuss and helped out here and there an he took 45min off the labour bill. To his credit he noticed that one of the trunk bolt was missing he replaced it. He also changed the rear drive lube as it was pretty dark. So in the end all are happy.
  6. That would be me with the cree headlight. See following link http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=85189
  7. I converted to LED's. Brighter and less power draw. See link below on what I did. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=84450
  8. Feel your pain man...
  9. When you go to download from the Android store it does not give you the option to download to a tablet. Instead , you get a warning that it is not compatible and then you cannot try it. Looks like it is specific to Android phones and not tablets.
  10. Darn, here I thought we would get a reel to reel....
  11. Looks promising but does not work with tablets.
  12. After my last two rides I found that the left side bolt holding my pasing lamps on was working its way loose. I would simply re-tighten while being carefull so not to strip head. Well today afer a 6 hour run it completely worked itself out. For some reason it did not fall out but it was completely treaded out. Will be using blue lock-tight this time but I am amazed that it would keep working its way loose. This has never happenned before, but I did have to remove the lamps a few times this winter to do my LED conversion. Oh well, another thing to watch for.
  13. Great thanks....one less thing to worry about:cool10:
  14. My tailight on the 06RSV seems to be loose and I cant figure out to get it to be tighter. Is it normal for them to move around a bit? If not, how do I snug it up. All the bolts are secure but the housing moves as if on a thick gasket or something.
  15. Bought a set of Commander II's a few weeks ago but have not gotten them installed yet. Scheduled to get them on next week. Will post report once they are on. What I have been told by others here who have them is to expect easier turning but a bit less stability in cross winds at higher speeds. I wanted to try out a matched set as I am currently running a 404 in back and a Metzeler up front. We will see....
  16. Donald, Are they the ones advertised as dual antennas that are pre-tuned?? See link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-EuroStyle-13-ANTENNA-Masts-HARLEY-Davidson-/171310712187?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&fits=Make%3AHarley-Davidson&hash=item27e2ea057b&vxp=mtr Or is it these ones: http://www.ebay.com/itm/KURYAKYN-DUAL-FUNCTION-ANTENNA-4-HARLEY-TOUR-PAK-865-/141249060813?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item20e3199fcd&vxp=mtr
  17. Congratulations and be proud of your accomplishment and dedication to your country:canada:
  18. Was out for a ride checking out the flooding situation and while stopped for gas saw a black 2nd gen go by. Fellow beeped and I waived but he did not stop. Wonder if he is a member:confused24:
  19. Need to park that one next to my SkyHook. :rotfl::rotf:
  20. I bought this a few weeks ago. Lots of You Tube videos show how it works. Have not used it yet, but looks like a good system. http://www.canadasmotorcycle.ca/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/330x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/S/t/Stop__amp__Go_Tubeless_Tire_Plugger_With_CO2_detail.jpg Here is a link to where I got it: http://www.canadasmotorcycle.ca/stop-go-pocket-tubeless-tire-plugger-with-co2.html Videos: https://www.google.ca/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D3NfuBFNaA1U&sa=U&ei=w65aU6n7FKiCyQGhz4CYBw&ved=0CD8QtwIwAA&usg=AFQjCNF9a3wvcudOOtYpq1t4gyd3xrK2Pw https://www.google.ca/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DDDEsSIh_Kjg&sa=U&ei=w65aU6n7FKiCyQGhz4CYBw&ved=0CEIQtwIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNHjWUZbPweauzNND6ai2cU8Hkkieg https://www.google.ca/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DO8SESIjvYn0&sa=U&ei=w65aU6n7FKiCyQGhz4CYBw&ved=0CFEQtwIwBg&usg=AFQjCNHt53M5efOJPohuNa365QS9R1BuhA
  21. Now there is a very good dual purpose tip. Thanks for that.
  22. Took a while to get used to the heel\toe shifter at first and found myself in neutral as a result on a number of times. Was lucky to not drop it. Also noticed that shifting can get iffy or not as smooth if you let your engine oil get dirty or stretch too much between changes.
  23. Try the HJC ones, they have a more rounded shape and thus give extra space for the ears. Great for folks who wear glasses. They are a bit noiser than one piece full face though. Look for the ones with the retractable sun shield.
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