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Everything posted by Bert2006

  1. Put Big Red away for winter today. New oil and filter, Seafoam in tank and a much deserved wash and shine. Realy wanted to go for a ride but salt was applied to roads last week. Will miss you for the next few months buddy.
  2. Nice:canada:
  3. YUP
  4. Bert2006


    This was this week in the northern part of NB. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152597732789821
  5. Was doing it on my tablet and desktop yesterday, but seems ok today.
  6. Pile them in the back corner of the yard and leave them. End up with great compost the next year.
  7. He got 75 years with no chance for parole. Hope they forget where the key goes after they lock the door.
  8. Bert2006


    20 to 30 cm by Sunday night:canada:
  9. And this is the message I get if I try that page while logged in. Bert2006, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
  10. Once I log in I cannot access the front page anymore at this link: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/content.php If I am not logged in that page comes up ok. Also, is there still an option to select the emoticons we use more often as previously or do we now have to go to ''more'' and select each time. I get a box indicating that I do not have the rights. ??
  11. Since I replaced my fuel pump a few weeks ago I am getting a loud pop upon desceleration once I pull the clutch. Does not alway's happen but when it does it sounds like a gun shot. Used the bbq lighter method to check for leaks in exhaust and there are none, vacum caps look ok. So are these the other things I should check in order? 1. Replace vaccum caps. 2. Synchronise carbs. 3. Replace plugs Is there anything I am missing? Thanks
  12. I have ridden over 5000 miles on my 130 so far and it still looks like new and have not experienced any shaking.
  13. Sorry for your loss, our thoughts are with you and your family.
  14. Wow great job thanks. Will take a bit of time to get used to where everything is but looks good.:canada:
  15. Actually when I bought the bike it had the lowering kit installed. At that point the handling was downright dangerous. So removed the lowering kit which raised the back end to stock height and that improved the handling. Then went with the 130 up front and it improved handling again. So no oposit oppinion here. Leveling links would result in raising the back again would it not.....or am i missing something?
  16. Did the same switch to the 130 this spring when I installed Commander II's. Best move I ever did to improve handling. Bike had lowering links on before and replaced them with stock units which also improved handling. Now twisties are actually fun. :canada:
  17. Bert2006

    My current Black Cherry Pie

    Finally back at it in my new to me 2006 RSV
  18. Was hoping for ''BLACK CHERRY'' myself
  19. If you do come-up, try to make it to the east-coast as things look great here too and we do have magnificient MC roads.
  20. IN ABSOLUTE AND COMPLETE AGREEMENT WITH YOU. Its time to take this world back from all of these COWARDS who insist on imposing their missguided ideologies in such a brutal way on all of us who beleive in the values of freedom and democracy. RIP WO Vincent and Cpl Cirillo.
  21. :rotfl::rotfl::clap2::clap2::rotfl::rotfl::clap2::rotf:
  22. Currently on ebay, good prices too http://www.ebay.com/itm/90-Yamaha-XVZ-1300-XVZ1300-13-Venture-Royal-right-rear-side-saddle-bag-box-lid-/271027052817?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f1a78a111&vxp=mtr http://www.ebay.com/itm/90-Yamaha-XVZ-1300-XVZ1300-13-Venture-Royal-left-side-saddle-bag-storage-box-lid-/221082881097?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3379910c49&vxp=mtr
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