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Everything posted by Bert2006

  1. LOL - Pay toilets are the norm in most of Europe....and they do not use the money to clean them as most are very rudimentary and filthy! The ones in Italy where the worst! Most spots have a deal that if you purchase something you can get a 50% credit on the cost of using their toilet.
  2. Here is what I did to convert healdlamp and passing lights to LED. The technology has evolved since I did this so the lamp output would now be increased. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?85189-CREE-LED-H4-Headlight-Installation http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?84450-Conversion-to-LED-Passing-Lamps Hope this helps....
  3. There are also LED options out there that will also work - and they will lower your amp draw.
  4. Thems the ones. I installed them on my RSV last year. Make sure you use alcool to properly clean the surfaces and then leave your covers open overnight after installing them to ensure they stick properly.
  5. Also take a look at this thread for a list of items to look for. Do not be scared by it, but it covers everything. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?1067-A-list-of-known-problems-on-the-Second-Gen-Venture
  6. Try to get the service records from the PO. Has the maintenance been kept up? Condition of tires and brakes? Year of battery? Other should pipe in ! I am 5.11 and the seat is just right for me, but beware these are top heavy. You can get a lowering kit (check to see if it has one) or get the seat reformed to lower the seating position. Heavy bike to pull and push and no reverse available.
  7. I have the same year and need to use choke on cold starts all the time. Once running though, do not need it for the rest of the ride when stopping for gas or other supplies. No worries!
  8. Depends what they do. If it involves removing the tank or anything around fuel system I could see it needing to be shut off.
  9. Story is that she was a student driver and that the passenger who should have been the guide was drunk. She claimed she paniqued!
  10. Ok thanks for the quick replies.
  11. Had valves adjusted yesterday and after I got home I noticed this tube coming out from the area beneath the gaz tank and it seems to drain something into the front lower left cowling. In the attached pics you will see how it came back from the dealership and in the second pic I pulled the tube out from the cowling. I had not noticed that tube before, did he miss something in reassembling? Thanks
  12. I am dropping off the bike at the dealer tonight so that they could do the valve adjustment tomorrow. While he has the bike opened up, is there anything else that I should get done or checked? Did the spark plugs this spring and I am getting the coolant replaced and the fan checked as I have not seen or heard that come on since I got the bike 2 years ago. Anything else??? Thanks
  13. Enjoy.....
  14. Are you going on bikes or cage?
  15. I wear full gear all the time. Mesh jacket in summer lets plenty of air through and actually provides some insulation from the sun. If hot, i keep a waterbottle and priodically dump some down my back and around my neck. Not pretty, but works.
  16. Yamaha introduced its mid season line yesterday and guess what -- STILL NO NEW TOURING MACHINE -----:crying::crying: What are they waiting for?
  17. What pressure are you running them at?
  18. Man, what a wild weekend for our members...happy to hear you are ok sir...and thanks for the write-up. I alway's found that my close calls mostly occur in the last leg of my trips when I am tired and pushing to get home...so lesson to be learned for me in this one.
  19. I hardwired mine into a 3 way kuryakin switch master cylinder switch : here is the write up I posted on when I initially installed the switch: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?85214-Kuryakin-3-way-switch-install So, my switch runs through a relay off the battery and runs my passing lamps, another set of lamps and the GPS. To trigger the relay, I connected to the headlamp in the fairing (used the wire that used to power my passing lamps). For the GPS, powered through the switch I used a 2 amp fuse that I added and found a ground on the frame holding the cassette deck. Everything is controlled by the relay and none is active unless the bike is running. Hope this helps!
  20. Heal quickly sir..thoughts are with you.
  21. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?84450-Conversion-to-LED-Passing-Lamps http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?85189-CREE-LED-H4-Headlight-Installation These two links will bring you to two threads I posted that showed what I did. 2 years into it and I am very happy with the results.
  22. Hope Yamaha takes note:whistling:
  23. :shock3::shock3: YOU MEAN THERE ARE FOUR CYLINDERS ON THE RSV? :shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3:
  24. Bert2006

    Fuel pump

    Oh, and a small trick to remove the filter, I removed the fuel line from the top of it and then slid the filter out of the rubber sleeve from the bottom, this way I did not have to deal with trying to re-alining the sleeve when I installed the new one. Also, DO NOT FORGET TO TURN YOUR PETCOCK TO OFF....
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