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Everything posted by Bert2006

  1. Asside from brute force, any trick to loosening that top nut. I tried and tried and it will not budge...
  2. Noticed for the first time when I let go of the bars this weekend that the front end would start to wobble. This would stop as soon as I grabbed the bars again. Other than that, no signs of any wobbling. Front tire is the skinnier 130 with 36lbs in it. Lifted bike on jack and the bars will move verry easily, hit the stop once and then settle down right away.One bounce. So this tells me the head bearings lock nuts should be tight enough. However I wanted to try to tighten them a bit but I cannot loosen the bolt on top of the bars. Will it hurt anything if I simply try to thighten the lock nuts without loosening the top bolt? Or should I simply leave it alone. Oh, it was extremely windy with very strong headwind when the wobbling occured.
  3. Just found my next project
  4. Had that problem this spring..Had to get tire removed, cleaned rim and then used some kind of black goo to reinstall the tire and seal it to rim. Problem solved!
  5. This is a short 2 hour loop that takes you from Fredericton to Nackawick to Mactaquac and back. Can be done in both directions, lots of twisties, hills and views.
  6. I do not believe in these gadgets as they give you a false sense of security and let your guard down. You simply have to keep your eyes open and scan the side of the road constantly. Remember that with deer, if you see one there is a great chance that more are going to follow. And yes, they are highly unpredictable , so I slow down to a crawl when I spot them . Be safe our there. I will admit though that since I put the RK pipes on the bike then seem to scatter sooner than before.
  7. Glad you made it out of that one with no damage and no injury.......you had me in stitches though with your write up . Would have made a great video.
  8. It does not look like we will see a new RSV soon. I hope I am proven wrong, but based on the latest announcements from Yamaha, they do not seem to have an interest in big cross county cruisers. I will admit though that if they build the 2 seater sports car, I may be persuaded to go from 2 wheels to 4 for the fun mobile. http://www.cycleworld.com/2015/10/29/yamaha-motobot-do-robots-dream-of-electric-speed-yes-world-domination/?src=SOC&dom=fb http://d2brer6wwumtdu.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/MOTOBOT-YAMAHA.jpg http://blog.motorcycle.com/2015/10/28/motorcycle-news/yamaha-sports-ride-concept/ http://blog.motorcycle.com.vsassets.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/102815-yamaha-4Wheeler-sports-ride-concept-f-633x388.jpg http://blog.motorcycle.com/2015/10/28/manufacturers/yamaha/three-cylinders-three-wheels-yamaha-mwt-9-concept/ http://blog.motorcycle.com.vsassets.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/102815-yamaha-LMW_MWT-9_Concept-f-633x388.jpg
  9. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  10. Over 24 years invested in this one....not about to change....LOL
  11. I would think that NikWax would work just fine.
  12. She is absolutely not interested in riding her own bike. I would love it if she would, but that is not going to happen soon. Having said that though, her younger sister just bought her first bike....maybe that will sway her thinking ...time will tell.
  13. Question for those whose shock failed...were you running any air pressure in them when they failed?
  14. Do you still have it? If yes how much?
  15. Man you are lucky to have found one of those. I have been looking for 3years now with no luck.
  16. If it does not have a stop valve in the pump itself you may be a prime candidate for hydro lock one day. Make it a habit to turn your petcock to off when you park it so you can avoid that.
  17. Now that I got your attention here is what I need to solve. When we ride on the RSV my wife cannot see above me. I am 5'11 and she is 4'11. She is getting tired of only seeing to the sides and finds even my sholders a challenge to look over. I bought an Air Hawk 2 seat pad hoping to raise her seating position but that would gain an inch at best. Has anyone found a solution ...please help...I used the words:whistling: - booster seat - :whistling:with her today and that did not go too well...
  18. Used the ones that came with it. The clutch plates looked good though so did not touch those. The trickiest part was getting the old gasket off without having peices fall into the clutch plates.
  19. Well, was able to take it out on a 4 hour run today and no more slip at all. Highly reccomend it!
  20. Installed it tonight. Spent about an hour scraping the old gasket off and then about 20 minutes installing the new pressure plate and spring kit. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would say its 2 or 3...very easy. It was dark by the time I finished so only took a short test run around the subdivision and all seem ok. Had a small squeak when pulling the clutch at first but that went away after a few pulls. Can wait to take an extended trip this weekend to try it out. A few pictures are attached.
  21. LOL, was at work today so no yet. Still waiting for gasket before I can open her up. Hopefully before the weekend...it should stop raining by then...
  22. YUP parked the bike too today - good timing as I am opening it up to do the Barnett Clutch Upgrade.
  23. Ottawa area - Turning on the lights and seeing all of the monster cockroaches scatter:shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3:.........turned light back off and left?
  24. When the salt comes out on the roads! :crying:
  25. Will do, still waiting for the clutch cover gasket to arrive ...been waiting a week now.
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