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Everything posted by mrsteve
So the dealer looked over my bike and didn't really see a reason for the front end to lock up, however the fender had some strange marks on it and it was loose. Started speculating and came up with the two rear bolts were gone. this lead to the fender pivoting back into the tire when I het a bump in the road. This puled the fender up between the two remaining bolts and wedged stopping the rotation of the wheel. At that point I was no longer in control of the bike. People, it gets up to 115 degrees here in Las Vegas every year so being invincible I don't wear leather. Guess what? I'll never ride without it again. From now on it's good jacket, good gloves, good pants. What I have is real pain. I know others know what I'm talking about. I am a lucky man, I was able to get myself out of the roadway with only lots of skin loss, yes I think that is lucky considering my commute for just work is 2100 miles a month. The fender being wedged is the only reason the wheel would lock up and when the 3 guys that picked my bike up and moved it to the shoulder rocked it to get it rolling didn't see the folded fender. On a better note for me I am leaving for Kauai next Tues (9-2-14) for 10 days. The original thread on this ordeal is under the heading What the H just happened? Oh yea, when someone asks what happened to me I just say I was on Kodiak island Alaska last week and a grizz wanted to skin me and have dinner.....I won and my freezer is now full! Be careful people, and take the time to check your nuts. (no offense intended) Steve:sick:
So I'm ridding home yesterday minding my own business and marveling at how courteous everyone on the freeway was being, nobody had to be in front of anyone, nobody weaving/cutting anyone off.... just a nice ride home. I was returning the courtesy and riding in the #3 lane at 70 miles per hour. (3 lane wide stretch of the freeway) All of a sudden I thought I had a front blow-out, or the front wheel locked up. Any way you looked at it, I was going down. When the bike was leaning at about a 45 degree angle to the left I knew I was just about to be the first person to the crash scene, and I was. I departed the bike. It continued to lay down on it's left side and slide down the #3 lane............I went into the #2 lane and donated skin to the highway gods. When I stopped cartwheeling and rolling I realized I was in the #2 lane and had not lost consciousness so I got up and walked to the shoulder, amazed that I hadn't been squished. The first sound I heard was a woman asking if I wanted her to call anyone. I said no that I was ok. Three other people stopped and were upset that I was trying to pick up the bike and move out of the traffic lane. I conceded and let them do it. Some one else said they had called the highway patrol. I looked at my helmet and it had blood on it and remember saying "oh **** did one of you guys get cut on the bike?" Someone said "no, that's yours, look at your arms" Ok, time to see if the bike still runs, I gotta get home. Yup, started right up. One bent crash bar, kicked it straight enough for the shifter to work. Talked with the guys that stopped for a while and tried to determine what the f... just happened. I still don't know. The guy that was 2 cars back said he saw my head hit the road at least 3 times. I shook my head and said I think I'll be ok cuz I can still hear both brain cells rollin' around. Highway patrol talked me into taking the ambulance ride to the trauma center. I kept telling everyone that I was ok, "just picked up some new rid'n tattoos" Cat scan showed that I was correct. Cat scan also showed something in my left lung, not from the crash. Guess I'm guna go see my doctor. So, I'm ok, the bike looks like an easy fix. I'll call the highway patrol Monday to see if they had it towed or if someone stole it. (It's not where I left it) I got off of the bike because 2 years ago when I crashed a plane it took 3 guys to peel the airplane off of me so I could walk away from that one. Yes, I am very lucky, and I know it. Anyone wanna go flyin' or riddin'? Steve
I just want to know if I passed the test.
Biker killed, how fast do you think he was going?
mrsteve replied to Venturous Randy's topic in Watering Hole
"Every kid on one wheel going down the highway has the RIGHT to do that but when you get caught don't blame cops." Not exactly correct. I've had a motorcycle drivers license (class m) and a regular license(class C) in several states for 45 years. I also have had my cdl (class a) for 22 years. I also have had my private pilot license (certificate) for 17 years. I'm sorry but I don't remember any state issuing a drivers for any classification because anyone has the right to it. I believe it is still considered a privilege to have one. and NOBODY has a right to ride, drive, or even fly without following the rules and laws. If you feel the laws are biased or discriminatory or unfair you don't have the "right" to ignore it. Talk to your congressman about getting it changed. Just like being a member of this forum, if you don't follow the rules the moderators have the power to exclude you from participating. So the next time a dumb ass passes you doing a wheelie at any speed, or you hear about a stupid pilot that crashes because he was showing off to his friends by "buzzing" their house don't say they had the "right to be doing that". Do they also have the right to kill or forever traumatize someone with their stupidity? I personally think not. Now I am ready for the flames to begin for posting this, but go ahead. I'm old, been married twice, and raised two kids by myself, I can take it. Steve:225: -
A friend of mine has one from Harbor Freight. they are basically a two stage bottle jack so there is a lot of handle pumping to split a log. Don't even think about splitting eucalyptus because it will get stuck every time due to the grain twist. All that being said they do work but I will stick with a hydraulic.
Looks like once the fenders are on the Goldwing bags are not going to open far enough to be useful, could be why the're not on, or he hasn't figured out how to weld them to the tires yet. And no I would not pull it, I'll stick with my HF tag along.
Pops Dory, my idol. He has many more videos on youtube. check out "well son ov a BBB" or bush wheels don't like asphault. He likes to fly in northern Nevada.
Thanks guys, that's kinda what I thought since I did alot of rain riding last weekend. Guess what I'm doing this weekend. Steve
I can only change the volume on the radio when riding, can't even make the radio or cb turn off. I have to be stopped or nothing but the volume works. What am I missing, or probably doing wrong? It worked fine up untill a few days ago.
So my daughter needed a new feed shed for horses and goats and I voluntered to build it. I left Las Vegas at 3:00 pm last Friday and rolled through her front gate in the mountains of San Diego at 11:30 pm Friday night. 378 miles. It rained most of the way so it took longer than I planed. Why do people in cars seem to get even more stupid on rainy nights? Her and I built a 12'x16' shed with gable roof Sat. Sun. and 1/2 of Mon. This left plenty of time to go on a ride together. She rides a Honda Shadow 750 but at 5'2" 110 pounds that is plenty big enough for her. We left her ranch at 2:00 Mon. afternoon but only got 1 mile down the road before the biggest storm I've ever had the displeasure to ride in hit. Couldn't see more than 150 feet in front of us so we turned around and headed back to the ranch......about 4 seconds before lightning hit the tree we attempted to take cover under. (Threw those underwear away) Took her car and went to see some old high school buddys of mine. I came back to Las Vegas Tues. in 5 hours (had to stop for gas and lunch). I really like my RSV, way more comfortable than the '83 Goldwing that I had. On the ride to San Diego I got 39 mpg. Comming home doing 85 mph I only got 32 mpg. Cost me $78 round trip for gas, my truck would have cost $165. I REALLY like my RSV! I am looking forward to the day my daughter and I finally get to go on that ride together.
I lived in San Diego for 53 years and made the mistake of trusting Stockers twice, once for an NSU part they said they surly had and once for a Honda part. Both times after I drove all the way there they insisted they never told me that they had the parts. They make their money shipping parts over seas at inflated prices and don't really care about "locals". Don't waste your time with them.
So now that I know that I will probably out live the bike I wonder if I will out live the payments. Picked up my new (used) ride last night and rode the 60 miles home. I think I'm in lust. What a great bike. It was just getting dark out, the sky was pink with some purple and smoke from the fire on Mt. Charleston. The temperature is down to a bone chilling 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Turned on some tunes, yes the classic rock station, into first gear and off I go. The love affair has begun. Steve
Thanks for all of your replies, I feel much better about investing in a bike that looks as good as the Venture and am looking forward to riding again. Thanks Steve
Hello All, I haven't had a bike for 3 years and that is killing me. My last bike was a 1984 Goldwing that I got with 60,000 miles on it, I buried it with 223,000+ miles on it. I commute 100 miles a day for work and just filled out a credit app. for a Venture. My question for the group is what kind of life expectancy is average for a 2005 Venture with 32,000 miles on it. I really like the looks of the bike and hope it will live long enough to make us both happy. OK, I do have 1 more question (for now) what kind of gas mileage can I expect? I am 60 years old and got all the crazy out of me a long time ago. OK that's b.s. I still love building and flying airplanes! But I don't want to put gas in my truck anymore I'd rather put it in something fun.(airplanes and bikes) Thanks Steve