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Glenn M

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Everything posted by Glenn M

  1. Does anyone have a American trike kit on there bike. I have been talking to them about there kits. So for what I like about them is very helpful and the price, IRS suspension, the body with the V trail lights also the frame work and they will have it built and shipped in 3 weeks. I do like the Hannigan kit but don't have the $15K plus to have them build it. So what do you guys think and I would like your input. Thanks Glenn
  2. Does anyone in SoCal have a Triwing kit on there bike.
  3. I didnt see it in the classifieds I will look again
  4. Thank you, For all of you getting back to me so fast. Carbon One that would be great if you can send pictures of your build of the Triwing. Jonesy sent some pictures Thanks. Did you guys put a rake kit on or do you need it or not. Also can you add a reverse to it if so what did you use to make it that would help my knees. What do think about adding shock brackets and shocks by the bags to help the ride on rough roads. How is stopping with the drum brakes. I will be repainting the bike to the new Camaro green. I do like the Hannigan but the $$$ are alot more when your retired. Also I want to do the build for the fun of it. Thank you again for your input, info and help. Glenn
  5. I asked Triwing if they would send me some pictures of the frame work and suspension and said no its a copy right thing. Before I buy a kit I want to see what I am getting. Is it IRS or Solid axle sounds like drum brakes not disc brakes. I like the looks of the body its not just the looks its the ride. There are not many kits out there that you can install your self. I have been a long time mechanic and built many offroad cars so installing a kit would be a fun thing to do. I see some of you have Triwing kits any pictures of the frame and you installing it. I also have been looking at American trike kit. Thank you for any pictures or help you send me about this kit or any other self installed kits. I have had one knee replacment and going to have my other knee replaced next month so thats why Iam going to a trike so we can keep riding. Glenn
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