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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. It's only 3200 Miles, I think I'm in for a little road trip.I vote for Wisconsin even though Green bay just beat Seattle Seahawks. I will be starting a crowd funding for "Poor West Coast Canadians who want to have fun with their US friend but our dollar sucks" Campaign shortly.
  2. Thanks for all the response I think we will try the NKG iridiums.
  3. OK guys, your 2 cents worth. I have read the previous threads,2011/12 and wanted to get feedback on what you use. I have seen Amazon selling Brisk plugs for 17.00 and folks talking NKG Iridium or not. Any suggestions? I ride a 2003 30,000 milse and we are doing a full valve carb sync carb float clutch upgrade in a week.
  4. I will be shimming float leveling carb syncing clutch spring installing April29th in sunny Langley BC CANADA. I am in need of a carbtune or similar unit to beg or borrow. I do have a Washington USA address if you Great USA folks want to Help out.
  5. Kevin Thanks for the moment of thought and reflection, hugs all around.
  6. Freebird, I know I'm from western Canada EH! but the sign up link you gave doesn't work in BC? How do I sign up again ( gray hair and the RED back ground has me all confused) Monica and I will be attending. Size L for me and M for her.
  7. You would almost qhink we want people to come visit and then want to move here. Love seeing BC on my Beast.
  8. We understand, hold on to the good memories. Prayers are with your family. Murray and Monica.
  9. Have to say WOW!!! thanks for the great Pics. Almost makes me want to move.
  10. This has probably changed Canada forever. My one and only trip to Ottawa/Quebec some 7 yrs ago really gave me pride in Canadian feel good. I distinctly remember the feeling of openness. Walk into the Parliament buildings, no gates no barricades, go up to the bell tower, walk over to the justice building, How open and Canadian....no more! Feel sad for the Canadians and their families that were blindsided and shot down today. I guess the word for 2014 will be " radicalization "
  11. Sorry for not being specific, I just get excited and start typing. I am talking about the 2015 International rally July 20 - 23,
  12. I know it is early but, just like in sales, you tell them what your going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them and then it sinks in so, Step one! should be a great adventure for a Venture!!
  13. I am thinking of taking a little trek to the 2015 Venture Rally 12 days 4 down 3 their 4 back. Leaving Vancouver BC. Anyone interested in riding together let me know. I would love to take Mrs Beast but she might have to work, so might be interested in sharing a room ? Maybe stay in some KOA Cabins down and back?
  14. Mike Sorry we can't get there, we are going to be sort of passing by as we are doing a loop from Langley to Wenachee, Lake Chelan and up to Winthrop. Would be great to meet but next time.
  15. So if anyone remembers the movie " Harry and the Hendersons " 1987 This is where the movie was shot.
  16. A smile goes along way. even in a full face helmet.
  17. Thanks Freebird, I really am enjoying Venture rider, just installed leveling links because of this forum and everyone is so kind, you would think they are all canadian hahahaha. Some times it is hard to track down the information from past threads because the search is only as good as your input. So, having the guy with experience to just put it out there for you is great.
  18. Hi guys, just in the process of looking for a different oil filter and thought I'd cruise the threads. nobody mentions exact item # for filters? when I do a google cross reference I come up with 5 different Purolator # 2 Fram and 2 Bosch. Whats a guy to do. I have a 2003 RSV.
  19. All joking aside from you easterners:rotf: It would be very interesting to have a discussion, opinion from those of us that do ride 2 up. My wife has full face and i have the stock windshield and have been pouring over the threads to see what I can do to make her life easier. Happy wife more cycle time:backinmyday: Wider, shorter, vent no vent. it is all very confusing:confused24:.
  20. Good to have you on board. I have been riding my 2003 Venture for 2 seasons now and I can tell you this, this space is invaluable and the people even more so. Get familiar with the site, read some of the old posts because if you have thought it, it has been talked about 15 times. the threads don't get old because the dam bikes are the same year after year so if someone has an issue or talked windshields, lowering your bike, getting poor gas millage, what tire is the best, it is all there. And the knowledge that all these great people have is overwhelming. I have gotten so much info and ideas from just reading the posts. My 2 cents
  21. What kind of wax is best? carnuba - pledge?
  22. Thanks to everyone. Every time I connect with this group I am amazed at how much more comfortable I become with my bike.
  23. Ok heres the problem. I'm lost without a tach. I know, my 2003 venture only has 5 gears & 4 stroke will pull me through starting out in 3rd, but, I'm always thinkin when I'm on the bike, am I winding it out if I do 50mph in 3rd. I know that I'm Canadian ah! but I bought the bike state side last year, so we can go with MPH ( also, the numbers are bigger on the spedo) I know what the manual says but, when I'm cruising at 50 MPH ( 80 kph ) where is the best gear? 60 MPH ? 40MPH? I love my bike and want that 200,000 mile mark. I would try to listen to the bike but full face helmet, age, and the constant whine( ok second thread next week) I'm lost. A tach I can see the red line know where the engine is. Thoughts and opinions requested. PS. went for a quick beautiful ride with my wife, for ice cream after my chores got done and man it was Awesome. they don't call it Beautiful BC for nothing. So, any one have a tach on their Venture?
  24. Put me down for a pr, Please. Murray:bighug:
  25. Any way we can talk Larry into making some as I would love a set toooooooo.
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