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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Congrats, I will be following your comments as we just got told that we will be Oma and Opa in July for the first time.
  2. The 2003 Venture Not Me. I've been happly married for 34 years my wife told me I want to get hitch and was wondering if anyone had suggestions. New vs used, chrome vs painted, wiring harness length and storage of harness when not pulling trailer. And Does anyone have one for sale or know of someone?
  3. Had a little pre christmas laugh. I read your post quickly and went... where the hell am i going to find a lava lamp just another late Wed.
  4. So How hard was the fix? Any details you want to share will be helpful as I see this as my winter project.
  5. The actual oil filter is fine and tight and there is no oil leaking out around it?
  6. ok we will tighten and do an oil change at the same time. thanks.
  7. Ok wise men and women. I moved my 2003 venture from the main garage to the back garage and came out to grab something off the bench and BAMMM there is a 5" oil leak WHY !!!! have had no problems and have done regular maintenance
  8. WOW!!! Thanks young man. To have that knowledge is a wonderful thing. thanks for using it for Good .
  9. 2003 california RSV 42,000 miles owned 4 yrs So as we pulled into the garage after a 4 day trip, my headlight goes out. saw it go. So, went and got new one and fought to get it in, saw that the green low beam wire was bare in a small section and liquid electric taped and then electric taped it. Good to go. Not. no light. so check fuse box. FUSE MELTED in Box Poof, wow, so pulled out pieces and scraped/cleaned out rest popped in new fuse and IT works. SO , should I be worried about this or is that normal. Secondly, I was washing and waxing after the fuse issue and I happened to take the lower cowlings off, just to give them a good cleaning. The single inside bolt that goes into the cowling, goes into a nut on the cowling that is held their by a rubber gromit that has separated. Any idea as to what I should do the next time I go to take this off because fighting and cursing for an hour over a piece of ABS is not my idea of fun. Thanks again for all your brilliant ideas and thoughts.
  10. I have read some of the previous posts on Finding Neutral but My issue is that, when it is cold I can shift to N all the time. Put in 1hr of ride time and Dang it N disappears. I have always used Rotilla t6. 2003 with 42,000 miles. did clutch upgrade last year.
  11. Prayers up for you young man. Heal well.
  12. Just got back from a course and checked the site. I will be there. see you there
  13. One of the best things I did was install Leveling Links for the slow parking lot issues. Made a world of difference in low speed handling especially 2 up.
  14. Zzyzzx Thanks for the heads up. I notice you haven't got Washington state colored in on your map. Great place to ride and so close to BC Canada. Love to have you up in our great province. 40% off on Canadian $
  15. Wow. Thanks for the info. We will check these out. I will give you a heads up when I'm in Laguna Hills.
  16. Visiting a buddy and going to the Santa Maria Rodeo. Thinking of going up to Fresno then over to the 395and down to his place in Laguna Hills. Is 395 a good route? anything fun to ride along the 395? We have 8 days. Any good HotDog stands along the way. We are there June 3.
  17. So when is this 1st annual event because I will be through Flagstaff around 3rd week july???
  18. Thanks for the info. Will you be getting off the Island and visiting the Bike show this weekend?
  19. Thanks for the info. Will you be getting off the Island and visiting the Bike show this weekend?
  20. WOW !!! Thanks Guys for all your help. Looks like it's time to take out the map and start plotting, after I go to the Vancouver Bike Show this weekend. I want to see what my canadian Loonie can buy me
  21. Planing to come down from Castlegar BC after a fantastic, phenomenal, KRUZIN THE KOOTNEYS rally JULY 7 - 10 and wanted to see yellowstone. Any good ideas how to maximize the experience or what entrance is better?
  22. put me down for a HD Road King 2016. thanks Puc.
  23. Funny I was just thinking that I should get my tattoo redone. It is " Live Like You're Dying " inked backwards over my heart so that every day I look at it and remind my self...
  24. I was just reading a good comparison test in Road Runner Mag Oct edition, between Indian Roadmaster and HD Ultra Limited. HD won on several points. Less heat and More dealers but performance and more stuff as well.
  25. Sorry to hear it is West Virginia. 4800miles is just a little long.
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