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Personal Information

  • Name
    Eddie Robinson


  • Location
    Bethel Springs, United States


  • City
    Bethel Springs


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    Yamaha Royal Star Venture Millenium Edition
  1. It has been a while since I started this and I forgot to post the results. I replaced the slave cylinder and that fixed the problem. Thanks for the input. One thing to note. It was mentioned somewhere that the seal around the shift shaft will leak a little when the outer cover, which supports the end of the shaft, is removed. It will and if if left overnight that "little" leak can scare the bejeebies out of you when you open the shop door and your baby is standing over a large puddle. The leak stopped as soon as I replaced the outer cover.
  2. I set a new single day riding distance record for me this week, 694 or 726 miles. The odometer showed the 726 but as we all know that ain't right. Google says 694. I had a training class just outside Cleveland, OH so I decided to take the Venture. Left home at 6:15 last Sunday and arrived at hotel at 7:25 that evening. Didn't get to ride much while I was there but did shoot up I90 into PA the only evening I had any free time just to say I have been there. Split the ride home and rode about half yesterday evening and then finished this morning. Around 1525 miles total for the week. Saw a few ventures on the road but don't know if anyone from here. If you saw a Millennium Venture with a dude with blonde fur helmet, it was me.... (hope I waved ) Glad the Venture is such a comfortable bike.
  3. Dan, so sorry to hear about the accident. I just read about it as I was away on vacation last week. Prayers are lifted for a complete and speedy recovery.
  4. Man, you have my sympathies. I have been there and it sucks. I had to have one busted up in Cody WY a few years ago when it decided to show up about 3 days into a 2 week vacation. Doc had to remove stent after only 2 days so I could continue on with vacation and that caused a few problems. Hope you recover soon. About the only thing good I know is that they say more beer helps with those little suckers
  5. Thanks for the input. I got the bike leveled up over the weekend. I straightened the standoff bracket up and wiped everything down. I then squeezed the clutch several times and did not find anywhere where there was fluid oozing, dripping, or anything so I am thinking maybe the slave is the culprit. I have ordered the parts and will update later. Does anyone know if there is a nice post with step by step info for this process? I searched but didn't find anything. It appears to be fairly straightforward but it always nice to have pics and such to refer to.
  6. A couple of months ago I noticed my clutch lever was getting soft. I checked and the reservoir was almost empty. I checked the floor and didn't see any signs of a leak so I filled it up. I replaced the fluid late last summer so I thought maybe I didn't get the bleeder tightened back but not signs of a leak there. I rode a few hundred miles over the next few weeks and the fluid level went down slowly. I finally got a chance to take a closer look last weekend and there is oil on the clutch pipe right around the rear support bracket. Also there is a very small drip spot on the floor under that point. Evidently only leaking if I pull the clutch so most of it must be on the road somewhere. The bracket is also bent to the rear pretty bad. I don't remember hitting anything so I am wondering if it got bent at some time when I was jacking the bike. I didn't find any oil anywhere else that I could get my hands to so I this weekend I am going to try to get the bike up in the air so I can take a closer look. Anyone here have any ideas.
  7. I have the Kuryakyn very similar to the one in the ebay link above on the MM edition and I like it a lot. Mine has an imitation leather pouch to hold a can or bottle instead of the coffee cup. I think I picked it up at local Honda store. It mounts by replacing the bolts holding the brake or clutch reservoir to the handle bar. Not familiar with the 83 so I am not sure if it will fit. Another plus to these is they make other things like cell phone/gps holders and generic mounting plates that fit the same mount. I use the cup holder most of the time but if I need the gps, the mount swaps by simply removing something like a wing nut and pulling free from the mount.
  8. Thanks for the help. It is very much appreciated.
  9. I noticed the marker light was out on my MM (with OEM driving light bar) and thought no problem, easy replacement....NOT. When I removed the lens about 2 tsp of water came out. The bulb was corroded so bad it fused to the socket:bang head:. I finally pulled the fairing and removed the socket from the housing but still could not get the bulb base out. I tried to find a replacement part online but can't seem to locate one. Does anyone know of a source or have a damaged light bar laying around that has a good bulb socket they would like to get rid of? I picked up a generic socket at O'Rielly that I am sure I can rig to work. It is a 2 wire type but I soldered a ground wire to the side of the base. Before I install this I thought I would check here.
  10. Wishin you speedy answers and speedy solutions. Will keep you in my prayers.
  11. Wow. Hate to hear about the crash but glad to hear not much damage to you. Wishing you a speedy recovery. They do walk, and drive, among us.
  12. A light vest of synthetic down like Primaloft is very warm and very packable. I caught a Drake brand on sale after duck season last year. It stuffs into it's own pocket.
  13. OK. Since it has rained all morning it was a good time to finish up the LED installation for the engine area. I got all of the wiires routed back and stuffed in around and in front of the battery. I ran into one problem with the ground lighting and maybe someone here can give me some suggestions. The kit has two strips about 8-9 inches long that are designed to be attached to the frame rails underneath for ground lighting. They should be angled out around 45 degrees so they don't get squished (as an engineer I love these technical terms) when lifting the bike on a jack. This will work fine on the right side but the kickstand is too close to the frame for the left side to fit. Even if it would fit the kickstand would block the light. I guess I could just figure out the autopilot for sleeping and just ride forever. Then I wouldn't need the stand. Any ideas???? Here are some pics of the engine area. This kit has multiple colors and strobe functions. I am pretty sure some of these might cause flashing lights behind me with badges attached since there are flashing red and blue combinations. Now I just need the rain to stop and night to arrive so I can go light up the street.
  14. Hopefully I will finish up tomorrow and will post some pics. Got the lights on the tank, air cleaner, and frame under seat last night and when I tested the green lights are out on one of the tank strips. I quit for the night and will try again tomorrow. Am hoping it is just a connection. I used the primer with the 3m tape and I am afraid it will be VERY difficult to remove. I ordered the kit from joeflorida.com
  15. I got my LED lights in from Joe Florida on Monday. I temporarily taped everything on one side to test placement. I got the 144 light kit but decided to put the front wheel strips on the frame rail under the seat for more light on the engine and I think the rear wheel strips will go under the bags for a little more ground light. Since the wheels are painted and won't have much reflection and the rear is hidden so well, I thought this would be better. Then last night I mounted the control box in the hole beside the battery and removed the tank to route some of the wiring. This resulted in a quick search here to find out what to do when the nipple comes out of the petcock instead of the fuel line coming off of the nipple:depressed:. Evidently it is not a freak event as several others have had that happen but it seems a little persuasion from mallet should fix it. Since it is supposed to start raining here this evening and not stop until December or something like that, I should be able to get everything finished up in the next couple of nights.
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