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  • Location
    marseilles,il, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    83 venture royale
  1. hey guys, i was having a problem with next to no light at all coming out of the headlight on either low or hi beam, along with the warning indicator light. well this afternoon i pulled the cmu and resoldered the connectors as shown in one of these write ups on here. I now have a highbeam that is bright as bright can be, but still next to no low beam....also i have a sony head unit in the big red machine and with that on, the fan on(its on a manual switch),the 55w driving lights and the headlight when i come to a stop it stalls...now when i leave the tunes off or the driving lights off that problem seems to disappear. Also, i feel like a moron or even asking this considering i have a pretty decent background in automechanics, but how in the hell is the easiest way to swap out the plugs...lol i was going to change them out today with some new ngk's and neither of my normal swivel spark plug sockets would work no matter what i did...lol... thanks guys, this site is awesome!
  2. i will gladly take them...my unit is cashed
  3. just put a pic up of it...i used the 2x6 to get her on the center stand...going to pick up a little vacuum pump to bleed the brakes by myself tomorrow. I also have the dim headlight with the warning light on the display...im realizing that they are a few things that i need to tackle on the ole'girl. where is a good place to pick up front rotors for it? mine look shot and thin as could be....anyone have any oem or take offs laying around?
  4. Im gonna attempt to tackle the brakes tomorrow...after putting around the neighborhood here all day the clunk in the forks is almost non existent. Is it possible just from the previous owner not moving it maybe i worked the springs out a lil with the oil and all is okay?... thanks in advance guys...where u from prairie hammer?
  5. U guys rock...how about spongy rear and front brakes....can i just bleed them or should i delink the backs?
  6. Thanks for all the responses guys. I just got done recovering from donating my kidney to my wife and im having one heck of a time getting this 800 lb love machine on the centerstand to check the bearings....lol anyone around my area in illinois? I am going to attempt getting it on the stand today...where is the best/ xheapest place for the bearings and springs...also what kind of oil do the forks take and is it possible that the forks being low on oil could cause this...i want to ride it so bad, can riding like that do more damage than whats already done?.... i will post pics of the love machine asap
  7. The front pressure is at about 16 psi...im gonna try to get it on the center stand after work tomorrow...how bad if a job is it to replace them?... also i have next to no brakes...but i want to tackle the clunk up front first......this bike is a keeper so i want to take care of it asap... ... its like a caddy on 2 wheels...this coming from a guy thay has owned nothing but harley for the past 10 years...lol
  8. Hey guys i just purchases an 83 venture royal and i love it....but when i hit even the slightest bump the front end makes a nasty noise and sounds as if the forks bottom out, maybe steering bearings? Forks? I dont know but i would love some insight from the more seasoned venture owners...thanks
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