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Scooter Jim

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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    James Manuel


  • Location
    Jacksonville, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 venture royals
  1. Thanks much for the help. Will try to find a hose and valve off a standard.
  2. The front shocks could be converted easily the same way?
  3. Can someone tell me the easiest way to convert my rear shock to a zerk fitting like the standards come from the factory. I am through fighting this POS Class controller. Thanks.
  4. I have them and really like them. Expensive but worth it.
  5. Where can I order the belts? TIA
  6. I have the same set-up. Super easy oil changes.
  7. I did a search and didn't find anything explaining how best to remove the Petcock. Mine is leaking and I have ordered a new one off eBay but at a loss at how best to remove it? I took the right side cover off and it seems to be very hard to get any tools on it to remove it. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Bike is running pretty smooth, BUT, the Petcock is leaking. Can someone give me some tips on the best way to remove it? I ordered a new one and will replace it. It is very hard to turn it from on to reserve, and off positions also. I already have a fuel filter kit that I will install as well. I know how to access the fuel filter and I have taken off the right side cover to look at the Petcock but it seems very difficult to get access to it. I am probably making it harder than it really is. You guys have a lot more experience than me. TIA
  9. Thanks to all for your help. I let the carbs soak overnight and went for a 150 mile run today. Doing MUCH better. I still smelled raw gas and got to looking and the pet clock was very slowly oozing gas. I tightened everything and turned the dial from on to reserve several times. I think it has stopped leaking. I hope so. I put some more sea foam in the tank after I filled it and will continue to run it for a few more tanks. Gas mileage was 42 mpg after fill up. I was pleasantly surprised. Thanks again guys for all your help.
  10. I added sea foam to the tank and took a ride this morn. Engine developed a rough, low idle and there is gas dripping on the left side exhaust pipe. Barely got the bike home. It runs pretty good after 3000 rpm but won't hardly idle. Gas smell is strong. I am financially limited right now. Is there a way to solve this problem without buying rebuild kits? Any help will be appreciated. This bike is new to me. Bought it back in June but had back surgery in July and just now getting it on the road. It had a kind of rough idle before adding the sea foam but ran pretty good. I am not a very savvy mechanic. I change oil, etc but nothing complicated. BTW, it's an '84 Royale.
  11. Thanks to everyone for the help. I am grateful that there is so much experience out there. This is a great forum.
  12. Can't help you there. I had a Markland and the lights are flush mounted. I have the complete light bar sitting outside with the trash to be hauled away. I did not like the weight of the thing and just did not like all the lights. My trunk has a light bar also and that is plenty enough lights for me. I guess I just prefer a leaner look.
  13. No problem. I ditched the light bar so don't need the turn downs. If anyone needs them, I would be glad to give them away to them.
  14. Thanks Evan. Appreciate it.
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