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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Ice cream and...
  2. Said those antique plastic scooters can sure sling the oil can' they. Then all of a sudden.....
  3. Salvage yard so the first gen pushers could....
  4. But after a bath in used second gen full synthetic rotella t and a sprinkling of dyna beads her reputation was ...
  5. He spotted a first gen, even Forest knew a first gen could not catch the short bus so he....
  6. be on that piece of
  7. The book says you must transfer the warranty. A local dealer changed mine in about 5 minutes. Tell him to take it to his local dealer and have them change it.
  8. I hate to hear that. You better wait for the doctors to fix the first antique (you) or there will be no reason to fix the second antique (the first gen). I hope they find the problem and it's not serious.
  9. You musta missed most of Texas cuz we have about a million miles of straight flat roads.
  10. Sorry to hear this, I hope they both recover soon. We may need to turn Dave in for mistress abuse. Last summer he broke Roxie's heart and this year he has physically abused her twice in a month.
  11. Dan just move it down here you don't need to worry about rain. Plenty of sunny days it was 104 here yesterday I guess we had a cold front today only up to 98.
  12. Thats what its all about! I took Wolfie to a very nice steak house for our 25th and she ordered a chicken fried steak and french fries. Can you tell she's a redneck too?
  13. Good for you Dano! I'm glad to see you are doing well. We need to talk about your deer hunting technique though.
  14. Damn you went all out didn't ya.
  15. Now your talkin. I have always thought I was born a 100 years to late.
  16. Brad I hope things take a turn for the better soon.
  17. You damn bully! First you buy a Harley now your picking on the little people, Shame on you! You better buy some shin guards before you show up at the next meet & eat.:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  18. Congratulations to you both! The warden can sure put up with a lot of crap. No not you, all those first gens.
  19. Rub asper cream on your nipples.
  20. Yes.
  21. You could turn your antique first gen into a prius. you would probably have to make some drive train upgrades so it would handle the extra power.
  22. Sounds like judge Joe is a little smarter than the average bear. :rotf::rotf:
  23. Income discrepancies are directly linked to output discrepancies.
  24. I figured after becoming a Texan you were just to good to carouse with us common folk. Good luck with the casa.
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