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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Is that a threat or a promise?
  2. :rotf::rotf:
  3. I would bet the warden could provide more accurate records than you.
  4. Thats a great ride we were their a couple of weeks ago. I missed the dirt track races though.
  5. I think he was just trying to wrap his head around the idea that the second gen doesn't use a buggy spring like the first gen.
  6. If you play with a snake your going to get bit. The only way to prevent getting bit is don't play with snakes.
  7. When an old nag gets down like that a decent man would put her down in a humane manner and give her a decent burial.
  8. Use grease fill the groove with it then put the oring in.
  9. From what I hear Dave knows how to run out of fuel even with a reserve so it shouldn't matter.
  10. I'm in the same boat. I offered to pay for the msn course and suggested they start with a mid sized cruiser. I don't know what else to do but hope for the best.
  11. Glad to hear pegster is still kicking. See if you can track down Dallas he will liven things up around here. Those were the good old days.
  12. The old geezer in my mirror has now begun to show up in pictures. I hate it when that happens, I'm really starting to hate that guy.
  13. Probably a lot better chance he was just resting so he could push it the rest of the way home.
  14. I second that motion.
  15. I very sorry to hear that they will be in our thoughts.
  16. Redneck

    need help

    I don't have a pic and I'm away from the scooter maybe some one else can give you a picture.
  17. Redneck

    need help

    There are a number of things that can cause what you are describing ranging from debris in a needle valve bad fuel water in fuel pluged circuits in the carbs ect. What I would do first is drain the carbs ( screw on the side of each carb at the bottom) open the drains a couple of turns and catch the fuel so you can check for water debris ect. With the carbs empty and the drains open turn on the key and let the fuel pump flush the carbs. A dose of sea foam or b12 may also help.
  18. Redneck

    need help

    What you are describing in not starving for fuel. If it is starving for fuel at cruise speed then when you throttle it it would just bog down and quit pulling. With a fuel starvation problem the more throttle the worse it will be. What you are describing is more like a flooding problem open throttle is more air to burn more fuel less throttle is less air. It sounds like you have a carb flooding not starving.
  19. Redneck


  20. If you want to surf you have to pay. You probably have your best option now, verizon has a lot better coverage if you plan to travel with it. You are really going to be pissed when you get the bill for your $60 a month service and find it is $75 with all the fee's taxes and sur charges. Welcome home.
  21. They are a fun car, I have one just like it except for the colors mine is candy apple red with tan top and tan leather.
  22. I rode from Blairsville GA to Odessa TX 1297 miles in 21 hours 1 sit down lunch the rest were splash and dash. The best advice I can give on a ride like that is don't do it unless you just need to prove some thing to yourself.
  23. Redneck

    New Toy

    Brad truck down here don't bend in the middle ether. Go easy on him he is a mac user he may never figure it out.
  24. You don't have anything to worry about scrap plastic isn't worth squat.
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