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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. He didn't have a root canal he had the roots dug out with what sounds like a backhoe from the resulting damage.
  2. Over drive just means that the output is turning faster than the input. The transmission in the rsv is actually a double overdrive. The term true overdrive is just something somebody made up ether it is or it isn't.
  3. Nothing is worth worrying about so just chill. It depends on who you drive for and what you are hauling that will determine weather you have any time to ride, how much money you make, how good the insurance is. Just getting stared you don't have a lot of leverage on job choices. The demand for truck drivers is good and it will stay that way. Its never too late to start a career after a couple years of experience with a good record you will be able to pick any type of driving job you want. Because of the shortage of drivers trucking companys are catering to drivers and they are paying them very well.
  4. Any body looking for a nice touring bike with a trailer. It looks alot faster than a first gen. gen.http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1944-Cushman-Airborne-with-trailer-RESTORED_W0QQitemZ260161419868QQihZ016QQcategoryZ80765QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. Hes going to the dark side of course.
  6. Tell him to have all his affairs in order before he goes.
  7. Ya its pretty rough here too it was all the way down to 67 this morning and never got over 87.
  8. Redneck


    I don't need to check state laws before I go for a ride. I don't need no damn ear plugs ether.
  9. Your lugging it shift it down. 100kpa in fifth is about 2500 rpm way too slow for pulling hills. that bike will easly run 100kpa in second gear shifting to 4th or 3rd at that speed under load would be normal. Just rember its more like a Ferrari than a john deere.
  10. Talk about the ultimate the ultimate therapy I feel completely rejuvenated.
  11. Parts will fall those antiques while sitting in the barn. I know it wasn't from high speed cause its a first gen.
  12. :rotfl::rotfl:
  13. There are business's every where that don't have a clue what customer service is. I'm pretty sure there are some of those in Canada as well. Sadly there are way to many that will take advantage of people who are on the road and they think you have no choice. I'm glad your tire held up and got you home.
  14. Bearing buddys are really not a necessity but they are a nice accessory. The advantage of the bearing buddy over the fitting in the hub is that the bearing buddy is spring loaded you fill up a chamber and the spring slowly with limited pressure pushes the grease into the hub. With the fitting in the hub 1 pump to many will push the seal out of the hub.
  15. Well what is the verdict? What were the results after the trip.
  16. Thats normal just keep riding. The battery is probably getting near the end of its life span but it will do the same thing with a new battery. If you want to test your battery and don't have a load tester just turn on the key but don't start it leave it on running the lights for 10 minutes if it will still start the bike its good.
  17. I painted mine with the factory paint scheme and changed the colors.
  18. Check the fuses.
  19. Just when would you shoot the horse? After it quits breathing.
  20. At 75 mph 30 mpg is all your going to get if you haven't synchronized the carbs it needs to be done it will run smoother. k&n filters won't do anything for your fuel mileage.
  21. First thing I would do is drain the carbs. Make sure the fuel isn't rotten. check the plugs and make sure they aren't fouled. Third thing would be to part it out and buy a second gen.
  22. I wouldn't expect a major difference in fuel mileage under normal riding and a possible improvement with heavy loads. The tall overdrives in newer vehicles is not just an economy issue. I'm sure most have noticed that newer engines last 3 or 4 times more miles than older engines did. There are several reasons for that one is that they run much slower every time the piston passes through the cylinder it causes wear so more passes mean more wear per mile. There is also the greater air flow issue even with the best air filters you get debris into the engine more air at higher rpm more debris and more wear. These engines are so long lived I don't think with good service you will wear one out until the bike has very high mileage.
  23. You need to check your math at 70 a stock second gen is turning 3200 in 5th about 4000 in 4th. Thats screaming. When cruising down the hy I like an engine turning slow smooth and quiet.
  24. Heck when I get to 70 I'm looking for an other gear I just don't like to hear the engine running that fast when I'm cruising. I guess that comes from being around diesel engines all my life. I am interested to hear how this turns out I'm sure it will make the bike more responsive but I think the engine screaming at hwy speed would drive me crazy.
  25. Sorry to hear the bad news but I was happy to hear she was a very special lady. That is an incredible life story she had.
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