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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. When you hear about these accidents anybody with any since is going to question them selves and assess there tolerance for the risks they take. That decision is an individual's decision and it can't be made by any one else. Your feelings will moderate over time and you will make your final decision. I have quit riding before after a near miss on a goldwing I had 2 small children and 1 on the way and I decided my responsibility was to my family and sold the bike. I went 12 years without a street bike before I started riding again. I take my life into my own hands every day and I have decided to live life on my terms I refuse to fear life so I can arrive safely at death. You will have to make your own decision and live with it but keep in mind life in a bubble is not living. Ask yourself which you regret more the things you have done or the things you could have done but didn't.
  2. I'm so so sorry to hear the tragic new our thoughts are with you Gary and your family.
  3. Cool that looks like fun I have been thinking about a lite local bike for quit a while but I keep telling my self I don't need another toy. I hope you enjoy the new ride.
  4. My dad was way into cb's he had several bases in the house and all the vehicles were equipped with cb's and 75 to 200 watt kickers. there was a 60 foot beam antenna in the back yard we could talk out to about 45 miles. He would talk to people all over the world on side bands. I still have cb's in trucks and pickup's . I inherited half a pickup load of equipment when he died.
  5. I'm not rich so I guess I fit into the as-hol- category.
  6. Here is your chance charlie you better grab it. You better adjust the throttle where it will only get half cause we know you can't handle the power of a second gen.
  7. Thanks for the news its good to hear I hope there situation takes a big turn for the better they deserve it.
  8. If you guys were smart enough to up grade to a second gen you would also be smart enough to know if you turned around and raced the other direction he would not catch you till the next morning.
  9. Go ahead I have a way with phone sales people I also have some very good responses when I get calls asking if I speak mexican I could probably get into a bill collectors head as well be fun to try.
  10. I've learned that when you hit a 50 lb dog at 60 mph if you sit back and gas it just before impact the front wheel will go right over the dog but when the dog goes under the rear wheel it will launch you over the front of the bike. Animals are very unpredictable just when you think you know what they are going to do they do just what you did not expect.
  11. I keep trying to tell you to get a second gen.
  12. Amsoil is a high grade oil and will do a good job. I would not run it as long as they say you can about 5k max on oil changes. Make sure you use the motorcycle specific grade. Yamaha can not void your warranty for using any oil that meets there recommended minimum specifications and is changed at there recommended intervals. I don't personally think it is worth the price. Synthetic oils in general are a better lubricant than petroleum base oils. I run mobile1 synthetic in mine because it has been proven with hundreds of tests over 30 years to be the best motor oil made for half the price of amsoil.
  13. Uh nothing:confused24:
  14. I'm not quit that adventurous today.
  15. How long would it take to go 16 or 17 hundred miles at 22mph?
  16. I'm going to put my argo bigfoot on ebay tomorrow and wolfie said thats what don needs sense he keep driving into the pond. You can dirve this in the pond motor around and drive back out.
  17. Thats the appraiser.
  18. Why would anybody want to steel a honda?:rotf:
  19. I would like to see a break down of that transmission the motor they describe is a hydrostatic motor which has been common in heavy equipment for years. I would like to see how they turn it into a 6 speed.
  20. As ugly as you are that is probably a good thing.
  21. There ain't no rust on my scooter there honda boy. rust can't catch the blue flame!
  22. Not much chance of wolfie having a runaway on her sunl 110cc 4 wheeler. I have a polaris 700 sportsman 4x4 and an older polaris 350 4x4
  23. Charlie has upgraded to a second gen honda.
  24. I really couldn't care less if an mp3 even existed. I just wish someone made a phone big enough to hold onto with a large key pad that fat fingers can operate a big screen that old eyes can see and enough volume for us deaf people to hear.
  25. I can't believe a lean idle mixture would cause the idle speed to rise much. My guess is the carbs were way out of sync. With the fuel formulas these days there is no doubt that the calibration of the carbs are not optimal. the factory sets the carbs to work at a wide variety of conditions and tuning for your local environmental conditions and fuel formula no doubt will yield a significant gain in driveability characteristics.
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