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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. At least your getting paid what your worth.:rotf::rotf:
  2. Your talking about a different animal your first gen is programed to run at higher rpm and is geared lower than a second gen.
  3. From what I understand the v max cams won't fit in your engine and I have never seen or heard of any after market cams for the venture engine. Even if they would they will not improve low and mid range power they will decrease it as will the open exhaust and big carburetors. Those things will make more high end power and potentially alot more high end power. How often do you run your engine between 6 and 9k rpm? Thats where your power gain will be and your throttle response and torque at 2 to 4 k will suffer and thats where your engine spends most of it time.
  4. I'm glad your brother is going to be ok. Its very sad that there are people like out there probably a dope head looking for drug money.
  5. I always leave a tip I am not real picky if they do a decent job they deserve a tip if they do a way above average job I reward them for the extra effort. I have been known to leave a penny if the service is really bad I want them to know I did not forget and I was not happy.
  6. It takes alot of fun out of the life of the insurance company's day when they hear $750 will not cover a bruise on a leg. Don't be surprised when your insurance premium goes up. Don't get me wrong I am not a big fan of insurance companys but I do understand that most of there claimants want a bigger piece of the pie than they are entitled to.
  7. Cuz I r 1 my sig is what I do.
  8. I have the same policy in my shop if I don't sell the parts I don't make any profit. I understand you have spent 32000.00 there but the dealer did not make 32k they made about 1500.00 after they paid all the related expenses to being in business. then there is the liability issue what if they damage your new tire or wheel mounting them they have to pay for them after not making anything from a sale. Then what happens if the part you suppled fails? There are some people not all but some that will assume the shop did some thing wrong that caused your part to fail and they will be more than happy to tell everybody what a no good sob you are. Bottom line is the dealer invested alot of money and time assumed alot of liability and risk with the expectation of making a profit not because they had nothing better to do. They are no different than you how many times have you punched off the clock to provide a service for a customer who did not want to pay what you need to make to pay your bills. I believe every body should provide good service and should stand behind the quality of there service and parts. I also believe they have the right to charge for that service. Keep in mind there are 3 sides to every story there is your side their side and the right side which usually land some where in the middle.
  9. I like it very clean very simple it looks well engineered. I would like to take it for a spin. Why don't you go ahead and buy it I will pick it up and ride it for you till it thaws out up there.
  10. Redneck


    10 13 46 49 150 151 Thats all you need to know.
  11. Oh don't let him off the hook just yet. He sang like a bird or was it squealing like a rat. just do a little searching and you will find where he questioned your intelligence and made other accusations. I can't say it was totally unwarranted with you riding a harley. Good luck I hope you enjoy it do me a favor and blow the plastic off that first gen for me.
  12. There are alot of things you don't know about me charlie.
  13. Very sad but very true.
  14. Gees Louise just the other day you were insinuating second gen riders could not hunt deer now you tell us you can't shoot if your wittle fingers get cold. ride that second gen to the stand that way your fingers won't have time to get cold. Seriously try putting on a pair of latex gloves on under your insulated gloves.
  15. Your going to need plenty of parts to keep that antique running long enough to get out of the yard.
  16. Nobody said second gens don't like hills they just don't all reside in hills. I don't think you can push that first gen up much of a hill anyway so I guess we won't see you at the top.
  17. I live in odessa tx the arm pit of america flat streight roads. When you ride a second gen its easy to enjoy any road.
  18. Of course we have twistys every 10 or 15 miles you can twist 90 degrees ether direction. But we do have elevation of course its all the same elevation.
  19. :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  20. Could be worse he could be on a first gen. Where ever there are 500,000 people I will be some where else.
  21. I have a perfect memory I just have a little recall problem.
  22. Redneck


    Yes most automotive type guns will need 7 to 12 cfm for constant spray.
  23. That one does not look like a honda. That one looks like a first gen that had an electrical fire and burned after all the plastic had fallen off.
  24. Ya I love you too there big boy.
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