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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Your half right my bike won't see 50k again because its long gone.
  2. Last week I rode I didn't have and knocking noise I didn't have to worry about making it home I didn't have to tear it apart and fix it. I just parked it and when I get ready to ride again it will go with no problems and no extra work.:rotf::rotf:
  3. Good luck frog man a bad day hunting is better than a good day at work.
  4. How early are you going to have to leave to push that first gen where you are going? The carbs on the blue beast are going to ruin just sitting there so you might as well use them. There will be plenty to keep you busy if the carbs are that bad the brake system is probably not much better and summer is coming so you better get your butt in gear.
  5. :rasberry::rasberry:
  6. I wore red wing boots for years until my feet hurt all the time and I switched to justin boots and I have been very happy with them and they are made in America. I still have 2 pair of red wing boots and they were both made in America.
  7. What do you expect its an antique you will be lucky if the seat isn't petrified. Yank the carbs off the blue beast and get that old dog running. When you step in poo you can walk it off or wash it off so put a set of carbs on it or start selling parts. You should have bought a second gen:rasberry::rotf:
  8. I think that guy is a little optimistic with his power gain estimates. I doubt he would get very many people to give him $1200 if he told you you were going to gain 5hp and loose 2mpg.
  9. I forced my self to go for a ride it was frigid only in the upper 70s. I only went about 200 miles when I got home just before sun down it was in the lower 60s. This winter riding stuff is rough.
  10. I see your burning desire to own an RSV is still alive and well Charlie.
  11. Congratulations you did good you will remember this day for a long time.
  12. Don't feel too bad we were laughing with you not at you. Ya thats it with you not at you.:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  13. Thanks for the update and let us know if he needs anything.
  14. I understand what you are saying my point is the possible gain from bigger carbs is at the very top rpm range. we are not talking about a 4 or 5 hundred lb race bike we are talking about an 800 plus pound touring bike that very seldom goes to the rpm range where bigger carbs have the potential to boost power. What the venture needs is good low and mid range power and bigger carbs will do absolutely nothing to help low and mid range power.
  15. Your contention is that the carburetors are too small.My question is at what rpm do they start restricting the engine? ( become too small) You stated that the carbs are maxed out at freeway speeds that could only be true if the throttle is wide open and the slides are wide open and the engine can not get enough air to make more power. You also stated that fuel mileage suffers at 75 mph because the carbs are too small and they are open too far causing a rich condition that is not true. as the slide opens it opens the air flow and the fuel flow at the same time air fuel ratio stay the same only the volume of the mixture changes. If you want to know when your carbs start to restrict your engine hook up a vacuum gauge to the manifold and run it full throttle from low rpm to top end and when the manifold vacuum make a significant increase your carbs are restricting the engine. I would be willing to bet you will not see a significant restriction until you get to the very top of your rpm range if at all.
  16. I'm not surprised that a first gen doesn't have enough power to climb a small ramp.:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  17. Cindy keep going the extra mile people do notice and it will pay off in the end. If nothing else you will know you did the best job you could do and that is worth a lot. Winers never quit and quitters never win. If you don't like the job then keep looking till you find one you like. Until you find the job you want hold your head up high be the best you can be. Its all about attitude if you get a bad attitude you will live a miserable life. If you have a positive attitude it does not matter what life throws at you you can deal with it and be happy.
  18. Just curious at what rpm do your carbs max out? The reason fuel mileage drops with more speed is because it takes more power to overcome the wind drag. It happens on every motorized vehicle ever made. There is no magic bullet more power requires more fuel. Your assumption that the engine needs more air flow to run at interstate speeds is wrong if the engine needs more air flow then open the throttle. I don't know how your bike runs but if I hold my throttle open for more than 20 seconds my speedometer is pegged at 120 and climbing. A gasoline powered engines speed and power are regulated by restricting air flow thats what the butterfly valve is for.
  19. Our back yard is dirty but not as dirty as yours do a little research and you will see crime has gone up substantially sense your gun ban.http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=21902 http://www.cdnn.info/news/travel/t050417.html http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?ID=78 http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/06/27/1962900.htm
  20. What percentage of the population have that type of permit? If you were able to get the gun unlocked and use it to kill a person in self defense, defense of your property or an other citizen Would that be within Canadian law? What kind of pistols do you have?
  21. I understand that changing cams and cam timing will increase the power of the engine what you don't understand is that Black Knight said he is looking for better low and mid range performance and the modifications he described with the exception of cc increase will hurt the low and mid range performance. The modifications he described will increase the maximum horse power of the engine and if his ultimate goal is to make it as fast as possible in a drag race he is headed in the right direction. My point was after these modifications are done and he is riding along at 50 mph in fifth gear and and wants to accelerate up to 70 with out shifting down the stock engine will out perform the modified engine. The venture is a big heavy touring bike and the engine spends most of its time in the low to mid rpm ranges. I am a fairly aggressive rider and I like to wind it up to 8k and feel the power and I would like to have more power but the bottom line is 99% of the time my tach is between 2 & 4k and the modifications described would decrease engine performance 99% of the time.
  22. You obviously don't have a clue to what is going on in your own country. When Australia confiscated most guns violent crime increased by a substantial margin. Gangs began doing home invasions while the residence were home because they had no fear they know the home owner has no way to defend themselves. There were some who did not turn in there guns and used them to defend themselves from these thugs and are now in prison. An unarmed citizen is not a citizen they are a subject.
  23. First of all let me say I am about as pro gun as anybody can possibly get and I could supply a small third world countrys military with my collection. Canadians are not allowed to own pistols except for a few club members who must store their gun at the club. In this case a gun probably would not have helped , the man is bed ridden and probably does not have the ability to handle a gun. If he would have had a gun and managed to get to it the lowlife would more than likely have taken it away from him and used it on him. If by chance he did have a pistol and was able to use it in canada he would now be charged with multiple criminal charges. That is why you will never see me in canada.
  24. Its sad to see all the manufacturing jobs going overseas. America has become fat and lazy and we have priced ourselves out of the market. What really worries me is when we become Dependant on other country's for our food we are going to be in real trouble.
  25. Redneck

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