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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. I would be interested. All those first geners are dreaming of a first gen that doesn't break down talk about a pipe dream.
  2. Ya of 4 rides home in the tow truck.:rotf::rotf:
  3. Oh yes we can.:rasberry:
  4. Very well said and I'm glad you did because if I bite my tung one more time I won't have one left.
  5. Those buttons are only put where you are not suppose to cross if you stay in the legal lane you will not need to cross them. If you are crossing them you are violating the law and can be ticketed.
  6. Tire manufacturer the oem numbers are for oem tires only. If you change brands or models go with the tire mfg recommendations.
  7. Hang in there Charlie reality is much better than life in a drunk stupor. Besides think of all the money you are going to save. You will have the money to buy your dream second gen before you know it.
  8. What is your reasoning for advocating stricter restrictions on hand guns? I don't know anybody that looks forward to shooting a person even if they are a threat to there own lives. I have been shooting since I was old enough to hold up a gun. I have been carrying for many years and have been licensed to carry for 10 years I have drawn my weapon 1 time when a gang decided they were going to kill me for being in a public place they said they owned. I never had to point the gun just draw it and the problem was solved. I like guns and shooting of all different kinds I collect guns because I see them as fine pieces of art and examples of genius engineering and craftsmanship. I have a passion for guns just as I have a passion for motorcycles. Having restrictions on gun ownership for law abiding citizens is no different than restricting motorcycle ownership for law abiding citizens motorcycles kill and injure many times more people than guns. Would you also support restrictions on motorcycles , knives , hammers , rocks?
  9. Charlie if I had not already been spoiled by my second gen I would probably like a first gen. But once you have had fine wine its impossible to go back to muddy water.
  10. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  11. He's not on a second gen thats why he has the sour face.
  12. Those look tasty mmmmm
  13. I believe Don hit it pretty close. If you want spin here is some spin. Once the brain becomes saturated with book knowledge there is less room left for common sense.
  14. :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  15. That doesn't look like it was much fun I' glad you came out ok. Just in case no one has ever told you , you should not be driving that fast in reverse.
  16. You haven't checked the price of guns lately have you.
  17. My closest neighbor is 3 miles away there is a locked gate 1.5 miles north then my gate I like it out here in the middle of nowhere.
  18. Hey Lowell can I come and hunt in your deer stand old buddy old pal?
  19. I'm sure this is not the right place for this discussion but hey no one has been shot (yet) :rotf::rotf:
  20. I see you have become a member of the anything but a first gen club. Thats a sweet looking scoot and I hope you enjoy it.
  21. Come visit America you are much safer here than in Australia or any other country with strict gun control. do a little research you will find the crime rate in Australia is much higher than the U.S. http://www.gunowners.org/sk0703.htm Have a good day.
  22. They live among us.
  23. I agree with everything you said except the unarmed drunk. In texas if you feel they are going to do you serious bodily harm you can use deadly force. That has been confirmed in court.
  24. I carry most of the time and always when traveling. It is my god give right and my right as a u.s citizen to protect myself my family my property and my fellow citizens. I would never cross into canada or mexico with or without a weapon I don't believe any government has the right to make it illegal for their citizens to protect themselves and I will not subject myself to their idiotic laws.
  25. I would not recommend leaving Eileen behind but you would think a professional salesman would be able to sell the plan. If I knew any good looking rich woman looking for an old ugly guy I would have to consider that myself before I would tell you about her.:rotf:
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