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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Damn they are invading from all directions. At least your not a damn Yankee. Now you just need to learn to speak texmex and drink tequila. Your gonna like it here welcome aboard. Oh and San Antonio aint west Texas that's the middle.
  2. Boy thats a relief with this economy suckers are getting harder to find.
  3. Ouch! Go take a nap and hit it again in the morning.
  4. What happened?
  5. Her's mine mine mine mine.
  6. Thats very sad news I will keep the family in my thoughts. I have lost tires on both front and rear and you can think I will do this or that but when it happens your going to react to what the bike does. When your rear end starts to one side your going to steer to that side if you can keep from jumping on the brake your better off but it happens so fast that keeping it upright is as much luck as skill. A front blow out is much easier to handle than a rear.
  7. Geez this site is rated G the mental pictures are burned into my minds eye. On a serious note how bad can it be? I guess as long as the doctor doesn't have both of his hands on your hips during the procedure it'll be ok. As for what I had planned for the day I ate some solid food then planted my colon on a scooter seat and navigated some scenic roads.
  8. I'm taller but defiantly not longer.
  9. Redneck

    New Home

    Beautiful! No more weeds in the living room I see. I hope this is a new and happier chapter in your lives.
  10. What no owl feathers?
  11. Bummer! I hope things get better for you soon.
  12. mamamo is on facebook with her phone I don't think they have power. last I saw from skid power was out night before last. I haven't seen Yammer but he is probably still trying to get a first gen started. I hope all is well with them all.
  13. I liked my klr it was a good motorcycle and very capable of both on and off road riding. I had it 4 years and only put 3k miles on it because it was uncomfortable to ride for very long. I replaced it with aR1150gs bmw with a russel day long seat and my arse is much happier.
  14. Cool, thats on my bucket list probably next year. If those klr's have stock seats your in for some pain and suffering.
  15. Redneck


    Welcome to my world.
  16. I'm not trying to scare him off just curious.
  17. Really? How much money do you make? What is it you do to get that money? How many hours do you spend a day to get that money? Are you really worth that much money? What do you spend the money on? Please provide detailed explanations and a spread sheet.
  18. She is cuter than a bugs ear! I wonder if she is as ornery as grandma? I gave her a vote.
  19. There is only 1 reason gas comes out the overflow the needle valves are not shutting off the gas when the bowl is full. 100 degrees is everyday around here and mine never boils gas out the overflow. If the gas was boiling you would get vapor out the overflow. there are a few reasons for the needle valves to leak the most common is contamination (something stuck in the valve) a bad float can cause it if the float leaks and gets gas inside the float it will no longer float and will not close the valve. The needle valves them selves could be worn out or damaged. excessive fuel pressure can cause overflow the valve can only hold a few lbs of pressure. Are all 4 leaking or just 1?
  20. The sena is at the top of my list.
  21. I'm in the market for a Bluetooth headset. I just ordered a zumo 665 and docks for all the scooters and I need a Bluetooth headset to connect all the gadgets. Any suggestions?
  22. Dan if you can find a place to ride they are a lot of fun. I'm a Polaris man because they have the best suspension of any I have ridden. look around for state parks national parks forest roads logging roads ect. They will give you a great whole body workout if you can find some challenging trails to ride. I love to explore off the beaten path. Anything made by Honda is generally high quality and dependable have some fun with it.
  23. Oh never mind, if your going to ride it like your first gens. I thought the four wheeler was in running condition.
  24. Dan you can buff it with a high speed buffer and plastic polish. It is very easy to melt the plastic be careful, you can hand polish with plastic polish as well. If your going to use the four wheeler just get use to the scratches because there will be more.
  25. She could have married a yammer Dan.
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