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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. I thought for sure when I saw the title you were talking about your mental condition. Stay safe and have fun.
  2. Yep you don't have to worry about stretching that chain. Must have some engineers in common with the first gens.
  3. Thanks Charlie a little reminder doesn't hurt every once and a while.
  4. There is no end to the farkles have fun. In two weeks I have installed a 12 volt outlet , tail bag , garmin 2610 , tall windshield and I have case guard with hwy pegs and an aluminum skid plate ordered.
  5. Congratulations your going to love it. I have been very impressed with mine it is the klr's turn today but the weather man says 40mph wind so I think I will take the truck.
  6. Every day is a good day some are better than others but they are all good. I ain't worried about the storms I rode the venture today its the klr's turn tomorrow.
  7. Congratulations on the new scoot. You didn't need it to be a part of this group a few mental issues help but even those are not mandatory.
  8. Damn Jt you old trouble maker what are you thinking? Offering a person in need your help and asking an honest question. Have you no shame? Don't worry about what others think just keep being who you are thats why we like you even though you ride a first gen.
  9. He sent me an email this morning he may be at home.
  10. Awesome that is one nice looking trike I hope it rides as good as it looks.
  11. You've got a stuck float. turn off the fuel at the tank run the carbs out of gas then turn the gas back on and try it. Sometimes letting the needle valves open all the way will flush out any debris that may be stuck in them.
  12. Theres no shortage of suckers out there.:rotfl::rotfl:
  13. First off that is not a backhoe that is an excavator that weighs about 40k. the trailer is a 3 axle removable neck double drop rgn lowboy weighing in at about 20k. Assuming the truck was a 3 axle weighing 18k. he hit the bridge at 68.6 mph and came to a complete stop in2.3 seconds then the drier spent 7 hours removing the seat from his or her rectum.
  14. He lived.
  15. I was out yesterday and today running one of my winch trucks next time you come through give me a call. 4326318975
  16. Second try
  17. I guess the pics didn't work I will try again.
  18. A truck was traveling down the highway at around 1 o'clock in the morning near Tulsa , Oklahoma . Motorcyclist was traveling at ~120mph and ran into the back of the moving semi-truck. Truck driver said he felt the impact, and it took almost a 1/4 mile for him to pull over. This is what he found... http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000221.jpg � http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000252.jpg � http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000283.jpg http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000314.jpg http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000345.jpg He lived. wear your helmet! Attachments Preview: image001.jpg incrediattachpreview://C:%5CUsers%5CMike%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CIM%5CIdentities%5C%7B2B653742-D72E-4A56-9797-4016B14B5C66%7D%5CMessage%20Store%5CAttachments%5C%7BD25C234D-1AB3-4B78-AAAE-8741D0791A3F%7D%5Cimage001.jpg/ http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000221.jpg � http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000252.jpg � http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000283.jpg http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000314.jpg http://venturerider.org/forum/c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/%7B1B3CCD52-5885-472E-9F58-CEEDC943FE87%7D/Show%5CATT000345.jpg He lived. wear your helmet! Attachments Preview: image001.jpg incrediattachpreview://C:%5CUsers%5CMike%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CIM%5CIdentities%5C%7B2B653742-D72E-4A56-9797-4016B14B5C66%7D%5CMessage%20Store%5CAttachments%5C%7BD25C234D-1AB3-4B78-AAAE-8741D0791A3F%7D%5Cimage001.jpg/
  19. If your going to go riding in the mud you better go get a klr those ventures just are not good mud boggers. Glad you survived the ride good luck with the scoot.
  20. I have been wanting one for a while so today I went and got one. I had a ball riding it today its lite nimble and pretty peppy. No its not a venture its an 08 klr 650 thats right a second gen klr 650. http://www.klr650.net/2008_kawasaki_klr650_review/
  21. Well squid I can understand your thinking after what happened to your last two bikes if this one gets totaled you haven't lost much.:rotf: It is a pretty good looking scoot you know for a first gen. I hope you have many safe enjoyable miles on it.
  22. Thats a nice looking scoot I hope you enjoy it and welcome to the 21st century.
  23. I had that happen yesterday when I tried to start it to go home it cranked but did not start. I turned the key off then back on and it started it reset my trip meters. I believe it was the ignition switch which is 2 years old.
  24. Don't feel too bad it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out a second gen is the king of all bikes. I'm sure you are correct about the 83 not leaving once you get that second gen you won't waste any time messing with that antique.
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