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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Congratulation to you both she must be quit a lady if she can put up with you. Where are the pictures? Glad to see you posting here.
  2. I would be willing to bet the vast majority of manufacturers of any product world wide are seeing declines in sales. The U.S is the worlds biggest consumer and our economy is in a major slow down for a variety of reasons.
  3. If you have a failure they believe was caused by poor maintenance they would ask for maintenance records and receipts.
  4. More than likely you still have air in the system you may have a problem with the proportioning valve but it won't cause the problem you are describing. make sure you bleed the whole system if it still won't build pressure its probably in the master cylinder.
  5. Scrap plastic prices are not very good.
  6. The Iway 500c lowrance is waterproof and comes with motorcycle mount. It has a 5 inch screen you can see in direct sun light.
  7. Didn't have the power to pull that much speed in 3,4or 5 eh. By the way how would you know how fast second gear is you've never had a first gen with second gear.:rotf::rotf:
  8. No she should have it suspended for a year or two.
  9. If it didn't have that trailer and scoot it would be a perfect likeness of Russ.
  10. As a matter of fact yes I do. My eyes are blue and I want to keep them that way.
  11. I don't really care about the missal but I want everything else in the first section.
  12. I hate it when that happens. Hope you recover soon.
  13. Every body likes milk shakes. Don't they? I like mine a shakin .
  14. I was wondering where he has been for a few days now. I hope all is well.
  15. I would drain the gas put in fresh gas start it warm it up good then change all the fluids. If you change the oil without starting it all the carbon will be settled after 3 years sitting and most will stay in the engine and mix with the new oil. I would not put oil in the cylinders it will just foul the plugs and make it hard to start.
  16. Check the oil level make sure its not overfull. I would consider changing the oil as well. I have seen bad batches of oil that caused engines to use oil then quit after an oil change. gas delusion will also cause that, smell the oil fill cap see if has a gas smell.
  17. I can't believe it we have a winger dude in charge of the international VENTURERIDER rally whats the deal with that? Thanks snarly for stepping up to the plate for all of us and thank you to all of the other members who have stepped up to help. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.
  18. Hey I have a stevens 311 series h hanging over the fire place loaded with 00 buck it sits just above the 50-70 sharps carbine.
  19. Not exactly what I had in mind but it would do in a pinch.
  20. I can understand your anger and don't blame you a bit. If multiple armed invaders get in your house even if you were proficient with guns and prepared your chances of fighting them off is slim. They are alert prepared and have a plan. If you have warning they are coming you have a chance. dogs are excellent for warning you, motions sensing lights are good. The bottom line is you should already be prepared to defend your family. Taking measures to prevent a confrontation are much better than a confrontation. I would recommend getting some professional self defense training. Being able to shoot a gun well is only one small part of good self defense. I have enough guns to fill a pickup bed and the one I would want for defending a home invasion is a pump shot gun with a light mounted on it.
  21. The best home defense weapon is a short barreled shotgun. If you have to have a pistol the best thing for an inexperienced shooter is a double action revolver. I prefer large caliber for a man stopper. If you buy one start practicing if you buy one and put it in the drawer chances are good you won't be able to defend your self when the time comes.
  22. That is a beautiful bike you did good.
  23. Thats good news I was wondering today how you situation was going. I hope you get her back on the road soon.
  24. Good thing the guy on the harley was just easing on it so you could feel better about you old wing clone.:rotf::rotf:
  25. What color? What style?
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