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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Dang bill I'm glad I'm 6.5 I hope you don't woop my butt. I am regularly guilty of stiring the pot I try not to make personal attacks on others but I can only bite my toung so much before I shoot my fingers off. I have strong opinions that I should keep to myself. My apologys to all I have offended. Now as far as this 1.58 gas goes thats very bad news. now the oil companys will be needing a bail out soon.:rotf:
  2. I'm not sure on a 4x4 but the 2wd's have a sealed bearing and untill recently you had to replace the hub. some suppliers now sell a bearing kit but you really need to press it out and back in it can be driven with a punch but if you damage the seal plate it won't last long. good luck
  3. I don't have a problem making a loan to the auto makers but like any other finance company I expect to see a workable business plan. The auto makers don't have a plan to become profitable they are loosing millions every day and they want us to give them billions more to keep loosing. I believe they will have to file chapter 11 and completely restructure the companys to be profitable. I don't want to see anyone loose their retirement all retirement plans should be paid out as they are earned to an account that the company has no access to or control over and that should be law. On the other hand its not my responsibility to give my retirement saving to someone else because they have lost theirs. I believe the auto workers have allowed their unions to help destroy these company's and not protect their retirement accounts. I also believe the management of these company's have made major mistakes that have put these companys in the situation they are in now. I also believe the worst thing that can happen to these companys is to have the federal government dictating how the companys are opperated. When the companys are restructured and have a profitable business plan they will not need a government hand out or loan because private investers will fund the companys. I can guarantee you one thing if the government loans them my money and they pay it back with interest I will not see one dime of that profit or even get my investment back. The government is not the answer it is the problem.
  4. Go for it Bill your never to old. Its easier to work for others but it is much more satisfying to work for your self. If its a labor of love its not really labor.
  5. Goes through just like a bulldozer. Now that's a moose. I wonder how much he weighs
  6. Good luck with the hunt and enjoy the vacation.
  7. My thoughts as well.
  8. What is happening is a normal cycle that has been made worse by the government propping up the economy. If they had let the bubble burst 3 years ago the recession would have been more shallow and recovered quicker. But they have continually lowered interest rates to encourage people and business's to borrow and spend thus artificially propping up the economy. Americans have been spending at a rated of 140% of their income and now we are all going to pay the debt. The more the government tries to prop it up the worse it will get. It is going to be a rough time for all of us and we will need to give others a helping hand. But we don't need the government giving hand outs thats what got us here.
  9. hear are some before and after my redneck conversion. red white blue and chrome are the best colors.
  10. All this doom and gloom the auto industry isn't going to go away. All the so called experts said the same thing about the airline industry it didn't happen some filed bankruptcy cut out the fat and came back making a profit. Think about this people if the auto industry gets this bail out the government has them by the balls. All this talk about the government should require them to do this and that thats socialism people and that is the end of america as we know it. Anyone who is willing to give up their freedom and liberty for the allusion of security deserves neither freedom or liberty. When was the last time any of you saw the government run anything anywhere besides into the ground? If you pour money into a bottomless pit it will never fill up you must first have a bottom. keep in mind I am just a dumb redneck and I don't know squat. But I do own multiple business's that I have built from the ground up and they all make a profit which the government promptly takes half of. Give me liberty or give me death. and to hell with the auto industry.
  11. I loved to go to a&w for a root beer float I haven't had one of those in many years.
  12. Absolutely not no private business should be bailed out by the government. If they can't make a profit they should fail in every case including my business.
  13. I did not mean to imply that union members are not honest hard working people. I will bet anybody who has worked in an auto factory could write a book about the waste they have seen and know of many people who should have been fired but could not be fired. Those things have been a contributing factor in the inability of the american auto industry to compete. Its not my responsibility to bail them out and I believe if they can't make money they should fail.
  14. I really feel for the people who are being effected in this crisis. It is going to be a difficult road to recovery. I believe the workers through their unions have brought much of this on themselves the companys can't change the way they do business to stay competitive. I'm sure there is plenty of blame on the management end as well. I don't want my money going to any business that is going broke if I run my business into the ground they are not going to bail me out and I would not ask for it ether. Good luck to all who are effected in the auto industry and all others.
  15. It don't matter how fast you make it bill people will still be able to see it and you just can't fix that much ugly.:rotf: You should have bought a second gen.
  16. One more selling point is it will blow a canadian first gen off the road. Of course I witnessed this in my rear view mirror.:rotf::rotf:
  17. I would have simply moved to the right just before they started to pass that would have got their attention and given them something to think about before they did it again.
  18. My collar begins the day blue and as the day goes by it turns black brown green red. I like it that way I just hope I don't loose my shirt.
  19. You hit the nail on the head.
  20. :rotf::rotf:
  21. We voted 2 weeks ago 10 minutes in and out. And we voted the right way.
  22. I had no doubt they chambered them in 30-30 I have just not seen one. I load some 55grain nozler balistic tips in my 243 that avarage 3970 fps and they work wonders on varmints. I had a winchester model 70 with a bull barrel in a 22-250 it was not as accurate or as fast as the 243 so I traded it at a gun show for I don't remember what.
  23. One of my favorite rifles is a 788 Remington in 243 I can't remember seeing one in a 30-30. It is a very accurate rifle mine will shoot a 1 inch group at 100 yards with any amo I have ever fed it. I have taken more game with it than any other rifle I own. I hope you enjoy them both.
  24. Yes Dave Ramsey's program will work if you have the discipline to implement it. Life is much easier with out any debt. Your significant other will have to be on board or it will not work. Its a matter of having the correct mind set. You will have a lot more money once you quit paying interest and penalty's and you can buy things cheaper when you have cash on hand. Once you have your emergency fund you will be amazed at how few emergencys you have. Its not an easy road and you will have to learn to do without alot of things untill you get on level groung. not having to worry about debt is priceless. Good luck.
  25. Ya if he knew what he had he would be asking much less for it.:rotf:
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