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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. I understand the recent oil company profits look very high and they are but the news media does not tell you how many billions they were loosing when oil was at $9 a barrel and hundreds of oil companys went broke. They also don't tell you the oil company have invested trillions to find and produce that oil. They also didn't raise a fuss when the auto makers were making huge profits in the past thats what they are in business to do.
  2. I don't have any health insurance so I pay 100 percent of medical bills. I have 2 oilfield winch trucks sitting in the yard thats a $400 an hour pay cut. I am one of the lucky ones I have no debt so I can survive on very little. I feel for all the people who are strugling and I fear that there will be many more before this mess is over. The ones I really feel for are the retirees who are loosing their retirement and are no longer able to work. Just hang in there we will all survive.
  3. Sorry I don't feel sorry for the auto makers they ran their business's into the ground not me. I did not ask for anybody to bail out any oil companys and I would be against it. I paid 50k for a pickup 1 year ago and gm is now advertising the same one for 29k so who is gouging who. the auto makers set the price on their products the oil companys do not the market sets the price of oil. I'm tired of hearing people ***** about the the price of oil and the evil oil company's If you don't want to pay for it just don't buy it and the price will come down just as it has recently. I went to the feed store yesterday and bought 2 bags of oats it was 11.50 a bag that is very high but I was not mad at the farmer or the feed store because they did not set the price supply and demand set the price just like oil. I wanted the oats and I paid the current market price. Would you rather pay 2.50 a gallon for gas and get it any time you want it or pay .50 a gallon and not be able to find any because it is not profitable to produce so no one makes it anymore. Just because the news media tell you the evil oil company's are ripping you off does not make it true the government is making a lot more profit on a gallon of gas than the oil company but you don't see that on the news. The price of automobiles is dropping because of supply and demand. I am hoping for increased demand for oil just like you are hoping for increased demand for cars and every body in the country is hoping for increased demand for the product or service that supports them. aren't you going to give a little and lower your way of living and compramize so the country will be better and get back on its feet? hmmmmmmmmm cinderella.:stickpoke: This is a two way street if you don't buy oil I can't buy cars.
  4. If you want something cool you could use icecycle maybe that would be cold.
  5. There are millions of Americans who make their living in the oil industry and I am one of them.
  6. Lets all hope oil gets back over a $100 a barrel soon.
  7. Check with Eck he may have some of the parts in the club collection he operates.
  8. Are you trying to say I'm fat?
  9. Thats the way I remember it. Thanks for the reminder.
  10. This is just a donation drive started by one of the members. As you know this is a free site to all it was created by Don Nelson (aka Freebird) and is operated by him at his expense. The donations are a way for the members who can afford to donate to help defray the out of pocket expenses it costs Don to keep this site running. If you like the site and can afford to help the donation button is at the top right of the main page. Welcome to the family.
  11. Dan you just arn't holding your mouth rite. Just put a noose around the tail light and hoist it up in a tree then you can just drop the drive line in. If the neighbors see you doing it they will just think your hanging up an antique Christmas ornament late.
  12. Redneck

    RV ?

    I don't have the answer to your question but I was told when I bought my first motor home there are only two times a motor home owner is happy when you buy it and when you sell it and it was true. I gave that one to a friend who's house burned and was happy it was gone. If you can use it once a month or more they are nice if you can't you will need to spend more time getting everything working than you do using it they don't sit well. The second one I bought I spent a week getting it ready took a 2 week vacation and sold it when I got home.
  13. You have way to much time on your hands.:rotf:
  14. Dammit boy you are hell on wheels I'm glad all survived and were not seriously injured. you better get started on a bigger dog house.
  15. Older maybe but wiser probably.
  16. M1 Garand.
  17. Your just bound and determined to ruin my reputation arn't you.
  18. My first two cars were fords they made me a good mechanic and gave me a great appreciation for good cars. I do love fords being a mechanic they have made me a lot of money and provided me with job security.
  19. With it backfiring through the carbs I would be looking for a timing problem or crossed plug wires.
  20. The heat no heat could be low coolant level it could also be electrical in the heater controls. What did the spark plugs look like? Is there any signs of coolant in the crank case? You can check for compression in the cooling system by warming up the engine then take the overflow tube from the radiator and put it in a bottle of water. If there is compression in the cooling system you will get a steady flow of air from the overflow tube. Have you cleaned the battery cables? I have seen a 3.4 break a valve spring causing the same symptoms you would have to pull the valve cover and look at the valve springs very close.
  21. The same could be said for the auto industry and many others.
  22. I will take two one blue and one blond.
  23. Oil at $34 a barrel is good news for some and bad news for others. The job losses in the oil industry will be equal to those that would be lost if the big three were to all fail. Tens of thousands are now being layed off with many more to follow. I agree that oil prices went up way to fast and were a contributing factor to the condition of the current economy. we are in the middle of a perfect storm energy costs skyrocketed ,extreme mismanagement in the financial markets ,corporations focused on short term profits instead of long term sugcess , the government spending like drunken sailors americans liveing at 140% of their income for the last 14 years and the list goes on. Now we are going to pay for our excess's and we are going to pay dearly.
  24. A turd like me will be right at home in a heap of doo doo.
  25. Merry Christmas Charlie Brown.
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