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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. What are you skeerd? Go ahead join up facebook lets troublemakers in heck they even let me in.
  2. I did it about 6 years ago I just had to stir the pot.
  3. NO!
  4. Cut him some slack he's busy looking for a tricycle.
  5. You mean like these? We saw them 1 block off main street yesterday evening in Ouray.
  6. Tom I understand completely , I hope Deb gets well soon. There will be other times I figure I have 1 or 2 good years left.
  7. The Million dollar hwy is a great ride. I am in Silverton now and have ridden between Silverton and Ouray CO a couple of times. In some areas 1 foot outside of the paint line there is a shier drop with no guard rails if you screw up your gone. The good news is if you do screw up you will be falling to your death into some of the most beautiful canyons you have ever seen. If you have trouble walking up to the edge of a cliff you may not want to ride it but if you don't mind riding on the edge it is an awesome ride. I have some pictures of some of the less dangerous areas and a few from yesterdays ride on the alpine loop.
  8. It's not what they put in it it's what they took out. Sulfur is a lubricant and diesel now has almost no sulfur.
  9. Pics of the million dollar hwy aka Colorado 550 from today's ride. This road is nothing short of spectacular.
  10. I'm in Silverton now and rode 550 today and it is an awesome ride.
  11. Trying pics again.
  12. There are a lot of nice places to see in NM Eagle nest is one of my favorites ,Red river ,angel fire ,taos. If you are going to be in Los Alamos take hwy4 to Jemez springs it will t into 550 go left and you will come out at Bernalillo (north end of Albuquerque) photo 1 is between Los Alamos and Jemez springs photo 2 is Eagle nest nm.
  13. Yammer just calm down take a deep breath and say ohm ohm ohm ohm ohm. Good things come to those who wait. When the snow starts flying they will be more abundant and cheaper. Now about the yard sale I see signs that you may be getting a grasp on reality.
  14. The wing isn't like his first gens it runs .
  15. As the others said it clearly states 2 light bars. Don't waste your time with pay pal just call your cc company and dispute the charge. You will get your money back or your other light bar. I would wait to leave the seller feedback until the situation is resolved. good luck.
  16. I carry a string type plug kit and a slime compressor you can get them at wally world for about $25 for all of it.
  17. Calm down there big boy. I was just pointing out a problem that could occur with aux heat in freezing weather. If the unit stays in FL it doesn't need a heater at all.
  18. My best suggestion for picking a tt is to spend some time in the one you think you want. Just sit in it for an hour or two and think about how you would fix meals. Is there enough counter space? Will the refrigerator hold what you want it to? Is the seating comfortable because you will need to sit on it all day some days. Does it have electrical outlets for added appliances, your computer ect? Stand in the shower and see if it is big enough for you. Can you and your wife move around without stepping on each other? Lay on the bed and see how it feels. Is there room for your clothes and your dirty clothes. Just sit for a while and think about what it will be like to live in it. You can look at pictures and spec sheets all you want but you wont know until you spend some time in it.
  19. The catalytic heater is a good backup but it does not heat the underbelly of the unit like the fan forced furnace. In below freezing weather you risk freezing you holding tanks and plumbing.
  20. As long as it's not a first gen it will be fine.
  21. Hey don't try to use logic and reality on me it won't work.
  22. Meeting? You need to get your priority's in order.
  23. Your rubicon would be right at home here.When ya gona be here?
  24. I believe I will keep the bmw it's comfortable on a long haul it carves corners like a sharp knife and will ride some pretty rugged trails. I like it!
  25. Do a search on this site it has been discussed in the past. I believe ruffy had his done this spring.
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