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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Maybe I need to introduce these left coast folks to dynamite Thanks for the help I will head for 88 this morning.
  2. I think a user name change may be in order. I vote for pack rat.
  3. I guess you better count me out of the group buy I will just have to manage without one.
  4. Don't these people know how to use a snow plow.
  5. We are at 395 and 120 on the east side the best way I see to get to the west side is north on 395 to108 to 120 on the west side.
  6. After a search by home land security we were allowed to go across hoover dam. It was a sight to see with lots of traffic both vehicle and foot. They are building a bypass road and bridge that will cross the canyon about 500 yards from the dam. The two sides of the bridge arch support are up and most of the road on both sides are done
  7. We left vegas today and headed for yosimite np. We arived in lee vining ca this afternoon on the east side of the park to find the pass is still closed so we can't get to the park from this side. We took a drive this evening and took a few pics. If you look close at the dark one you can make out a coyote in the brush. We will head to the west side of the park tomorrow.
  8. Thats great news I hope you can get this mess behind you soon.
  9. We stayed in las vegas for 2 days sorry no pics. We wandered around lost a couple hundred and had a good time. there are to many people going 90mph for my taste. While walking down the strip with my wife and son there were lines of small brown people shoving business card in my face for other types of slot machines. the side walk was covered with these cards they all had pictures of ladys in their birthday suits. I guess I am just a country hick because I have never seen anything quite like that before. There must be a hundred thousand cars for sale there. There were lots of buildings under construction but nobody was working on them I guess the money just ran out.
  10. Glad to hear your back in the saddle again.
  11. You mean to tell me a first gen can't cross that little crick. I wish you would quit hogging all the rain and send some west.
  12. It is grand it takes some time to get a feel for what you are looking at. I looked in to it for quite a while then saw a helicopter flying through about half way down and a quarter of the way across and it was just a speck I took a picture of it on 30x zoom to give an idea of the size of the canyon. The colors change with the movement of the sun and clouds very quickly. I have heard many languages spoken here more than any place I have ever been there are people here from all over the world.
  13. No it aint.
  14. Some body has got to do it.
  15. That looks like a second gen toy to me.
  16. Yes we were staying in flagstaff and rode and drove through oak creak canyon several times.That was the first real twisty's for me on the klr. I may need some knee pads that thing will lean way over.
  17. We spent 3 days in this area the scenery is magnificent the roads are good. I would recommend a stop here.
  18. That will be an adventure good luck and come home in one piece.
  19. Thats what they make high capacity mags for.
  20. Sedona Az it is amazing the roads ann scenery are spectacular it is a must see we will be staying an other day or two to do some more exploring.
  21. nice looking scoot get it ready and head west we can see if it will keep up with a klr.
  22. Hang in there cindy it won't be easy but you can see this through to the end.
  23. I'm glad to hear all seams to have gone good our thoughts are with you and we are still hopping for a miracle.
  24. Its probably not over 2 miles wide at the widest point but it is a good 25 miles long.
  25. moved to flagstaff today via sedona we will be staying he for a few days to explore the area.
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