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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. If you have room for a good quality heavy switch you don't need a relay. A good quality toggle switch will handle 30 amps. unless you need to use a lite duty switch don't use a relay.
  2. I would have to say that they are at least as ugly as home made sin.
  3. It looks a damn sight better than the first time I saw it. I want Lonna to clean my windshield she got that thing so clean I can't even see it. If your really planning to put the next 100k on it you better get a couple new sets of wheel bearings for that trailer.
  4. Generally around 70 or what the traffic around me is doing.
  5. That does suck I hope things take a turn for the better soon.
  6. So this is where I solicite donations for the redneck personal retirement fund?
  7. Thats my job thats what I do. Its all Charlies fault he is the one that started it all. It is possible that a first gen is fast just never seen one run long enough to tell.
  8. Sorry to hear the news. I think you have been looking forward to this for a while now. This door is closed now all you need to do is decide which door you are going to walk through. I would rather take a daily beating than live in houston. I'm sure there are many opertunitys there and I know there is family there. There is also 10 million people going 100 mph 24/7 it is a 3 hour drive across houston during rush hours. good luck
  9. Here is a link to the most common backrest used for a first gen. http://www.jcwhitney.com/Creepers-Seats/GP_2016896_N_111+10214+600017740_10114.jcw
  10. avon
  11. I have had some experience with them and it was all bad. I had a customer that decided they could save a fortune on filters on his fleet of cranes. After the fourth engine in a few months they decided they were not saving money. The problem with them is they trap many micro particles that can not be cleaned out of the filter. they look clean till you look at them under magnification. the restriction keeps building and causes the filter bypass to stay open that sends unfiltered oil through the engine and causes more wear and heating of the oil. That causes lower oil pressure and more wear and more restriction of the filter and shorter oil life soon you have no engine.
  12. Damit now I have something in my eyes. I am proud of you and happy this is over.
  13. I'm relieved to hear that Haley does not have to testify. I hope all goes as planned and this whole thing is behind you.
  14. Redneck

    WOW Squid

    Squid if it weren't for bad luck you would have no luck at all.
  15. The whole thing is disgusting I really feel for you guys. I hope it all ends soon so you can put it all behind you and get on with your lives. Stay strong and put the scum away for a long time.
  16. They do not add any noticable power and they did not increase the fuel mileage. They do not filter as good as stock paper filters. I have seen the test results performed by baldwin filters and the k&n filters let quite a bit more dirt through than paper. The on only reason they are in my bike is because of the chrome covers.
  17. And you bought a first gen? Remind me to have a long talk with you. Make sure you pack some good walking shoes.
  18. Yep that looks like most of the first gens I have seen. Good luck with it.
  19. Redneck

    Hey Don

  20. I hear he bought a first gen so he is bound to already have many headaches. I'm sure he does not want to add an other headache so he is not responding to you.
  21. When I was 12 I wanted one of those so bad I could taste it.
  22. Probably an exhaust leak. Check the exhaust pipe bolts
  23. I have been very impressed with mine. I think you are going to like it.
  24. I'm thinking something we all have a use for like a faring mounted machine gun.
  25. I guess we will have to call you klr boy now.
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