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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. I'm thinkin he's going to keep playing this little cat and mouse game till he gets uh well uh a lil beaver.
  2. Tupperware is for storing food not riding.
  3. Naw but I know a sucker that may be interested if its cheap enough. I bought a harley so I would have a scooter to replace parts on.
  4. What do you call cheap?
  5. :rotf::rotf:
  6. Thats why I stay out of town there are fewer idiots out in the sticks.
  7. Maybe she had an affair with a biker and didn't want hubby to know.
  8. Its been a couple of years sinse I changed mine but the best I remember the stock filter has a raised portion on the back side making them taller than the k&n. The best I remember there is a thick gasket to use with k&ns and stock covers and the gasket is not used with billet covers.
  9. I rode through several herds of buffalo in yellowstone on the scoot and it is a little scary at times.
  10. Sorry Charlie. I rode the harley about 300 miles today it was in the lower 80s no wind clear sky's it was a great day.
  11. Guess she got a set of those new cast iron implants.
  12. poor guy the repo man probably got his moped.
  13. Redneck

    screen name

    cuz i r 1
  14. He never could handle a real bike:stirthepot:.
  15. :rotf::rotf:
  16. I have a corbin sitting in the shop and the venture is wearing pillow tops again guess which one I like. I would sell the corbin with backrest for 400 +shipping.
  17. A year or so ago they were in trouble in the ft davis tx area for charging up a big hotel bill then refusing to pay. They had his wife in the cross bar hotel at one point.
  18. Sounds like they gave you a first gen flu shot. Next time get the second gen shot so you will have a smooth trouble free ride. Hope you start feeling better.
  19. Damn you must be gettin old. I looked the other day and saw you had not posted sense august so I figured they had covered you with dirt. I'm glad to hear they haven't wasted any good dirt on you.
  20. I would recommend the one in the add listed in the thread titled ebay on this forum.
  21. Redneck


    That is hilarious I almost chocked on some grapes I was eating.
  22. How would I know that's what a woman is for.
  23. What second gear those antiques lost second gear in the last century.
  24. Sorry to hear about your friend Charlie. Have a safe trip.
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