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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. You sure your not smokin it Charlie?
  2. Charlie just don't worry about it your going to total it or sell it before the filter stops up.
  3. You tell em mini! Morals and ethics have no place in this perfectly good soap opera.:rotf:
  4. Like sands through the hour glass these are the days of our lives. Carry on.
  5. Let me see if I understand this you make the purchase knowing the shipping price. Then you whine about it then you find a better deal so you whine some more and when they ask you if you are going to whine all day you come on here and whine some more. Come on now soup man give the guy a break. One thing I learned after many years in business is the customer is not always right. I need to look this seller up and buy something he sounds like my kinda guy.
  6. My phone (droid x) plug and play or bluetooth. Ipad plug and play. xmp3 is mp3 and xm radio also records xm plug and play or fm transmiter. zoon plug and play. Keep in mind unless you already have all the music you want it can cost a lot to build a collection.
  7. What any of us say is pretty well useless for your purposes. The court will go with kbb because they are the nationally recognized authority. Go with the high retail print it out thats what the court will use. Good luck.
  8. :rotfl::rotfl:
  9. I guess were not having fish for supper eh.
  10. The problem with the spin balancer is that it spins the tire quickly up to speed then quickly stops it. The beads take some time to find their position and balance the tire. If you had a spin balancer that would run for a longer period and hold a stable speed it would show the tire in balance. If you want to prove it to yourself take a stick on tire weight put it on your wheel to create a bounce. Then install dyna beads and see if they counter the weight and balance the tire.
  11. That sounds a lot like a threat.
  12. What? congratulations on the new scoot.
  13. An hour would be considered a prolonged period but you will not be in excess of 1/3 throttle to run normal highway speeds. Taking it to the race track and pushing every bit you can get out of it is not a good idea but babying it is not a good idea ether. Constant speed is not the best way to seat the rings and when you say break in the engine seating the rings is what you are doing. The best way to seat the rings is to load it then unload it. Ride it like you will normally ride it and forget you ever heard the words break in and you and the bike will both be happy. Congratulations on the new scoot.
  14. :rotf::rotf:
  15. Redneck


  16. Thats just one of the reasons my nearest neighbor is 3 miles away. I'm afraid I would repaint it with a few choice words of my own.
  17. You forgot the part where the I.R.S. takes the 100 just because they can.
  18. They are stuck on with two sided tape. They are like rubber just start peeling them at the edge. You can remove most of the glue with your fingernail then use glue remover to get the rest.
  19. I have had Suzuki, Kawasaki. Yamaha and Polaris 4 wheelers all of them were quality machines. When I rode my first Polaris the rider comfort was so superior I would not consider anything else.
  20. happy birthday young lady.
  21. I like it you have a roll around stool and a rocking chair. Looks like you are ready to spend some quality time with your loved ones.
  22. Redneck

    Decent driver

    Thats pretty slick. I wouldn't mind playing with that go cart for a while.
  23. The lift and duration remain the same you still have the same cam lobe. The valve timing does change slightly as the clearance closes the timing is advanced which will move the torque curve down in rpm. The reason a worn engine will put out more power is because of lower internal drag. You are only getting about 25% of the actual power the engine makes at the crankshaft the rest is wasted on internal drag thats what makes all the heat an engine generates.
  24. Your valve faces and seats wear over time causing the valve to rise. When the valve runs out of clearance it will no longer close completely. If it is allowed to get to that point the hot gasses from combustion begin to escape between the valve and seat causing a reduction in power and erosion of the valve face and seat. The condition that quickly occurs after the loss of clearance is commonly known as a burned valve that will no longer seal.
  25. Sorry Dan I'm not going to play the game anymore.
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