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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. That is pretty awesome and some of it is very stupid.
  2. :rotfl::rotfl:
  3. That sucks but at least it was an ugly scooter.
  4. I disagree with you he took the motorcycle to the dealer of his choice he agreed to pay if it was not covered under warranty. Its his motorcycle not yamaha's the dealer should do what he says not yamaha.
  5. Some good info here with contact number.http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/keeping-your-mods-warranty-intact.html
  6. I would inform the dealer in the nicest possible way that Yamaha does not own that motorcycle and that you told them to tear it down and find the failure. Next I would request in writing what Yamaha requires from you to honor the warranty. That way you know exactly where you stand and have documentation in case this goes to court. Don't worry about the oil filter it is against federal law to void the warranty for the use of an after market oil filter. I would keep the big stick behind my back at this point but I would start letting my teeth show. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/keeping-your-mods-warranty-intact.html I am not a lawyer but I believe that Yamaha is required by law to prove that you have not done proper maintenance and that caused the engine failure. You may want to print a copy of the consume protection act and give it to your dealer.
  7. :rotf::rotf:
  8. Look on the bright side these are our future leaders.
  9. Redneck

    6 again

  10. Annie its been cold around here probably not much motorcycle riding going on. Of course there may be some other kind of riding going on.
  11. At this point don't start threatening them don't become combative simply ask what caused the failure. You have agreed to pay for them to diagnose the failure make them provide the diagnosis. If you do have to produce records simply get an accounting program create a company (joe blows scooter repair) make your own receipts.
  12. :rotf::rotf:
  13. Top speed will be about the same. max out in 4th gear and that is what it will be like with a vmax rear at top speed. basically a vmax rear will will give you a lower first gear and fifth will be what 4th is now.
  14. I have the dyna on mine rev limiter set at 8k level 5 it has k&n so I could have chrome covers it has rk mufflers with 1 baffle removed. There was no change in fuel mileage with any of the above. The performance difference is minor. My bike will consistently outrun a stock Rsv with a rider weighing 30lbs less than me by about 4 bike lengths from dead stop to 90. My engine will wind to 8k but the power curve gets flat over 7k. With the timing curve set on 5 you have to run high octane fuel or it will knock.
  15. Its global warming. Not much snow in my part of Texas but its cooooold. Not going to be any riding for almost a week its brutal.
  16. Keep on dreamin.
  17. A good friend of mine was telling me last week he wishes he would have taken that job he could have had right after school. He told me several things he wished he had done. I told him then I am happy with the choices I have made.
  18. I'm sure you will. Push 50 feet then stop and wait then push then wait and on and on.
  19. Thank God!
  20. What would I want for a dream first gen? about 2 cents a lb. If you want to make your first gen faster just start pushing it. If you really want it to go fast load it in a chevy pu.
  21. Buy a second gen. Get as much of a bind on the puller as you can use a heal bar or what ever you have to pull the clutch away from the case then hit the puller center bolt with a hammer. If it doesn't come off tighten the puller bolt some more it will usually turn some more after you hit the bolt
  22. :rotfl::rotfl:
  23. Hey Hey we don't allow that kind of thing down here not even from a Yankee.
  24. Redneck


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