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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Well I guess thats a little more better.
  2. I wouldn't even consider installing those on the venture they aren't chrome.
  3. Oh contrare bring on the drama this will get awful boring with out drama.
  4. Ya but that only lasts till they get married.
  5. An armed society is a polite society.
  6. I know 2 people that had to get them to drive their motor homes that are built on class 8 trucks. They both got tickets and ended up changing their license's in odessa.
  7. That tire has been hot.
  8. Buick
  9. In that case I would just accidentally run over the other mail boxes or stuff them full of snow or add a quart of used motor oil the possibility's are endless use your imagination have some fun with it.
  10. Are you getting ignition power to the coils? Check the simple things first clean the battery cables both ends. Don't just look at them take them apart and clean them. Pull all the fuses and check them make sure the connections are clean. Unplug all the harness plugs you can find and make sure they are clean. I have seen bad coils on second gens but not all at once but it is possible. Does your oil smell like gas? What do the spark plugs look like?
  11. Seats fit everybody different and the only way you will know is to try them for your self. I have a corbin for my venture and it looks great and it is very uncomfortable to me it now resides on the shelf. Others swear they are very comfortable for them. I have a mustang on the harley and it is great.
  12. Thats what I was thinking as well.
  13. Start sanding with 220 grit when the pits are almost gone use 400 grit till pits are gone. If you are machine polishing start polishing if you are hand polishing sand with 1000 grit before you start polishing.
  14. Most of my income comes from the oil industrie but I don't like what I see. The last 5 ecanomic down turns we have had were preceeded by a large increase in fuel prices. With the fragile state of the world economy I'm afraid this could be devistating for millions of people who are already hanging on by their finger nails I hope I am wrong.
  15. The short answer is no.
  16. Hey what are you complaining about you have free health care.
  17. Redneck


    There is no use in running you will just die tired.
  18. Redneck


    Draw your large caliber weapon.
  19. I read the post before looking at the pics. It is hard to tell with the photos but it looks like the upper half of the rod is bent and it doesn't appear to have been hit after it broke. That leads me to believe the rod was probably bent before it broke. You said it would not start before the ride did it crank and not start or would it not crank?
  20. I guess I did good I figured this was coming so I bought 3000 gallons of diesel 3 weeks ago. That should save me a few bucks this summer.
  21. Redneck


    I guess if you suck up enough Ronda will let you ride bitxx.:rotf:
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