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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  2. Oh boy now we have a threesome. Kinky
  3. Glad you got the old girl dug out of the snow bank.
  4. hp is how fast it will accelerate the load torque is how much it will constantly pull. As a general rule the longer the stroke the more torque and at a lower rpm. There is no substitute for cubic inches.That 120 will be a dog compared to your venture.
  5. We also have the right to not respond to it but some of us don't have the ability.
  6. Click on thread tools at the top of the page on the thread in question then click on ignore thread.
  7. I keep seeing the word respect used in place of the word fear if you fear them fine but if you respect a low life dope headed criminal then you have problems.
  8. :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  9. An other one falls to the Tupperware crowd. At least you and the better half can wear matching yellow jump suits now. Nice looking scoot................. You know for a wing.
  10. I have a macbook that I don't like the hardware is good the os sucks. I have an ipad that I like. I use a pc at home. Good luck
  11. Oh so it was just convenient to blame the oil company's for the price increase when you know that is not true.
  12. I don't like my mac book much but I love my Ipad.
  13. While you are doing your research you should research how the price of oil is set. I will give you a clue it's not set by the oil companys.
  14. I just put 3 gallons of wtf in the harley in crane tx about an hour and a half ago.
  15. Bring it all and hurry we haven't had any measurable moisture sense last august. It's drier than a popcorn fart around here.
  16. Cruise control.
  17. I like it. Where can I get one?
  18. :rotf::rotf::rotf:That is hilarious.
  19. It could also be used as a viable excuse for running over your neighbors mail boxes.:rotf:
  20. I feel the same way.
  21. I have the venture a heritage soft tail and a klr650 it's nice to have a lighter scoot for local and short trip rides. The hard part is deciding which ones turn it is to go for a ride.
  22. The best way to fix that is to buy a venture.
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