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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. Dan you really need to know what kind of building you are going to put up before you pour a slab. If you want to put up a metal building the slab will need to have a ledge around the top edge for the sheet metal to sit in ( 2x2) around the top inside of the forms. If you don't you will have both air and water leaks at floor level.
  2. Redneck


    http://www.socnet.com/archive/index.php/t-9111.html I don't know what you call it up there but in my neck of the woods we call this confiscation. I learned a few things about Canadian gun laws as I read a few articles on the subject today ( yes I can read small words) and I was glad to see that the long gun registration program ended last month and all the records are to be destroyed. There may still be hope for our frozen neighbors to the north.
  3. Redneck


    You don't want my guns in your country I can believe that and I respect your opinion and your laws not all Canadians feel that way. Many Canadians were devastated when their guns were outlawed and confiscated and if the laws were change tomorrow they would start buying guns. You say I would not need my guns If I came to Canada do you really believe that? Can you guarantee the safety of everybody in Canada at all times? Do Canadians never commit violent crimes against each other or visitors? Are all Canadian grizzly bears tame? You may think I would not need a gun if I were in Canada but that is naive in my opinion. I respect Canadian law but I reserve the right to defend myself so I will keep my money and guns in the United States.
  4. Redneck


    Mexico will never quit taking U.S. currency 90% of Mexico's economy comes from America. Mexico publishes literature instructing their citizens how to enter the u.s. illegally and find jobs so they can send money to relatives in Mexico. The drug money is an other major portion of their economy not only are they not trying to stop it they don't want to stop it. The reason only 3% of the tourist in Mexico are from America is because most Americans know better than to go to a country where they murdered 40 thousand people last year. We also know the police and military are corrupt. I.m glad you had a good time and made it home safe. Many tourist are not that lucky a group of tourists got off a cruise ship and went for a guided hike and were robbed at gunpoint a couple of weeks ago. Two weeks ago 2 local men and and one woman went into mexico to visit relatives witnesses said the police stopped them and arrested them they have not been seen or heard from sense and probably never will be.
  5. And you just can't stay away from your keyboard can you.
  6. Your really having trouble figuring out this time out thing aren't you? You better watch out people are going to start thinking your ignorant. Sorry boss I know I'm grounded I will go back to my corner.
  7. Time out eh:stirthepot:
  8. Awwww you poor thing.
  9. Yep I noticed the wag I don't know if it was caused by the ct the rider or the tupperware not being able to corner.
  10. So are you sayin you can turn a thoroughbred into a jackass?
  11. If you started out with good stock that will work but I've never seen anybody turn a jack ass into a thoroughbred.
  12. I spend 5 to 7 thousand a month depending on how busy I am.
  13. If you have holes rusted through you need to cut or grind the the effected area out. That will give you access to the inside to treat it with the chemical of your choice. You will need to bend the edges of the hole in then you can glass over it and shape it with a grinder or sander. If you have a large hole you will need to use a form to build the glass on. You can use whatever you have around a piece of plastic (piece of an oil bottle) or what ever you have around to put inside the hole and form a basic shape of the body then glass over it. If you have a mig or tig welder you can buy replacement panels for rust out areas on most popular vehicles. Fiberglass reinforced bondo over a form will fill in a hole quickly.
  14. Yep were a lot smarter than you thought eh.
  15. You have a bad coil they will fire the plug when out of the engine but don't have the power to fire it under compression with the gas mixture. Make sure you change your oil because it will be loaded with gas.
  16. Hell I have one of those on my livin room wall.
  17. Redneck


    Cuz the damn horses keep stepin on em.
  18. Redneck


    For some one with little or no experience a short pump shotgun and mid sized revolver would be my choice. Shotguns are cheap and with the right amo they will stop any living thing. A double action revolver is by far the most dependable pistol. I doubt the end is near but it wouldn't surprise me to see a little poop hit the fan.
  19. Did you buy the leather panties for the wife or did you put those back to? I've had a harley for about a year now and the only thing I have that says harley on it is the motorcycle.
  20. I have been running the narrow front tire for about 3 years. What it does is it make low speed maneuvering and balance much better. When cornering at speed with a stock front tire you have to push it into the corner with the narrow tire it just falls into the corner with no effort.
  21. 32 degrees and 29 mph wind freezing rain and snow to begin in the morning. I know I know I'm a puss.
  22. I mounted a new set of avon venoms yesterday and the cold front blew in last night. Maybe I can break them in next week.
  23. That was my question.
  24. There is only 2 times a motor home owner is happy when they buy it and when they sell it. Good luck.
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