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Personal Information

  • Name
    Brett Carpenter


  • Location
    Zimmerman, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1989 Yamaha Venture
  1. Ok Wizard and Kevin. I'll start there. I just was fixing my CLASS system last week (E1 and E4 codes) and got it running and that might figure since I was in that side of the fairing. I'll let you know.
  2. I got my 89 VR back from the shop the other day and found that the AM side of the radio was not picking up any stations, and the FM side is really only picking up the strongest of the local stations. I've pulled the stereo from the fairing and checked connections for something like the antenna not connecting properly, everything looks ok. To me, it's pointing towards the antenna not being connected, but I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Any suggestions? Thanks, Brett
  3. Thanks Kevin and jd, that gives me a starting point. I'll let you know how I come out.
  4. Has anyone tried mounting an aftermarket passenger armrest on a MK II seat? The co-pilot needs one and I'm having a time looking for one that fits close with minimum fabrication? Was looking at maybe a mid-80's GW set on ebay, but the fit looks strange.
  5. Great looking bike!!
  6. Thanks rjjammer, I just PM'd you.
  7. Thanks Dennis. Looks like the setup I'm going for
  8. Looks great!! I'll be watching if you do a write up on that.
  9. Yep, those are the ones. Just the lower ones though, I'd like to find that whole setup.
  10. Looks great!! Just printed it out, I might get that on mine.
  11. Thanks, I think you're right.
  12. Is there a difference between the marker lights on the 88 model and the 89? The lights I'm talking about are the set of 10(ten) that are located on the rear, just below the license plate and stop light. Six are on the back, with a set of 2 located at the bottom of the rear of the saddlebags. I think that I've been looking at my ride as a 89 when it may be a 88? I'm looking for the chrome piece w/the lights, mine is cracked. Thanks.
  13. I had mine last week on the way to work at 3:30 in the morning. Just left the SA after downing a morning cup of coffee and talking with the girls working and had another 10 miles to work. Pulling up to the stoplight and getting ready to get into right-hand turn lane, with a HD Sportster in front of me, a woman riding. First she's in the lane to go straight and at the last minute she decides to go right, with me ~10ft behind her. Hit the brakes, downshifted and held on. She continues onto the highway and so do I. then, about a couple of miles down the road, she slows up to me and plays the speed-up slow-down game, only to finish it off with flipping ME the bird! What I can only conclude is, at that time of the morning, there must have been some sort of beverage involved. Too bad, but it takes all kinds.
  14. 1st Gen, mine is an 89.
  15. Does anyone have a place out there that they have found that is a good source for accessories for the 1st Gen's? Seems lately that all the places I've looked at when they say they've got 1st Gen equipment, it's really that it's meant for the 2nd Gens. Chrome, comfort accessories,etc, is what I'm looking for. Just wondering, maybe I just haven't looked hard enough yet. Thanks, Brett
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