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Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Walnut Creek, CA, United States


  • City
    Walnut Creek, CA


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Sailing is my pasion, Waterskiing, Oh and must Ride my bike often ;-)
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Royal Star Venture
  1. Thanks everyone I think I'm going with the Avon Venom AM42 Rear for now MTZ 880 fronts only half done and looks okay-No cupping, hate to mix and match. If I don't like how it handles its gone too. How is the AM41 front does it track on groved roads, should I go with the cobra? I like the Michelin C-II's also. Is it safe to run the 130/90-16 on the front? Under OE rating.
  2. What is everyone running on thier RSV I have Metzler Marathon 880's 150/80 -16 front and 150/90 -15 rear. Have cupping on rear and don't like looks of front like to replace them both. Don't see alot of options for front. All replies welcome
  3. Thanks to everyone here comments are great and I did find cupping on rear tire and don't like wear patern on the front. Going to replace both easy to check bears when its off the ground. Anyone have recomendations for RSV tires. Ken
  4. Thanks Condor will do, oh one other thing before I bought it the bike got pinched in between to cars damaged front finder and trunk nothing else, never even fell over. could this cause bearing damage somehow? Ken
  5. Thanks for reply At high speeds FWY 70-80 mph load wine (like bearing to me) and when I lean into a FWY turn it gets 2x loader, I had FJR1300 for 8 years never heard this before even with tires on there way out put over 40k on it, lots of tires and brakes. So 1st RSV not sure if this is normal or something going on? Planning long ride sure don't want a brake down Ken
  6. thanks for your reply Goose. has a newer Metzler about 3k on it, back also metzler bout the same miles by eye don't know for sure.
  7. Hi I'm new here and just bought my first Royal Star Venture and still leaning the bike. Its a 2008 with only 11k miles on it, when I'm on freeway 70-80 mph I can hear the front end more on slow turns. Sounds like bearing to me is this possible or is this just fairring noise?? all replies welcome Thanks Ken
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