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10 Good

About Noddy

  • Birthday 07/30/1956

Personal Information

  • Name
    Gord Pyatt


  • Location
    Brandon, Canada


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  • Interests
    Computers, golf, Laura
  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 RSV Midnight, 90 Venture Royale
  1. Most of our snaps from 2009's PIP. http://photobucket.com/Noddys_PIP_2009
  2. I'm 6' with a 30 inseam and have ridden a 90 VR and currently ride an 05 RSV. I found them both comfy for long rides, which for me is 300- 400 miles, but in different ways. Nit-picking, but: I would say that I found the G1 hard on the knees and hips as there are limited leg positions to rotate through, even with highway pegs, and I seize up sitting in one position too long. The RSV - plenty of room to shift around and stretch your legs. The G2 hard on my tailbone. I find the stock seat to literally be a P-I-A after 3 hours or so. Sarges46 mentioned that there's some info on a seat mod here on the site that I'm going to look into this winter. The VR had a fantastic saddle IMO.
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