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Everything posted by gez

  1. Congrats!! Enjoy your new ride. It's hard to find something to dislike about the Venture.
  2. Please be my guest.
  3. St. Augustine KOA looks convenient at $45 a night. KYAK shows downtown hotels in the $75 range. I have several weekend trips planned in the immediate future, money is an issue. I plan on heading up Friday morning and leaving Saturday afternoon. Anyone interested in buddying up? I don't snore.
  4. Hey Tom! I just tried to make a reservation at that park, they're all booked. Any chance I could share your site? I'm very comfortable in my 2 man tent and won't take up much room. I'm more than willing to pay for Friday night's fee along with a beverage or two.
  5. What a great story, thanks for sharing. Oh, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
  6. I surely don't trust suction. I've lost two SUNPASS units to poor suction. Does that sound right?
  7. I think I'll follow that lead.
  8. As usual, it was nothing a few hundred dollars couldn't fix. Contract obligations placed a Galaxy S3 replacement at $450. Adding another line to the contract dropped the price of the S5 to $150 form $650. They threw in a bonus Harmon Kardon bluetooth speaker, that I really don't need, but like. Still have to pay ten months of service on the disconnected lost phone. Dion, thanks for the offer.
  9. Only 18 months till upgrade eligibility. Tether it will be from now on.
  10. Barry, I can research also. I thought someone might be able to point something out from experience.
  11. I'm not sure I could narrow my search area to 5 miles. I was paying too much attention to cages around me and not so much on location. I knew I had a while to go till my exit.
  12. Last evening, in rush hour traffic on I95, in the middle of five lanes traveling at 70 mph, I watched it slip from its cradle, bounce off the tank and hit the pavement. Calculating the odds of finding it in one piece, I cursed loudly and continued on my way. I won't let that happen again.
  13. The 4th works for me. Any camping in the area?
  14. st. Augustine has caught my attention. When?
  15. I had an L5-S1 procedure done thirty years ago. Haven't had any trouble since. Follow your doctors orders and you'll be back on the bike in no time. Heal quickly my friend.
  16. heal quickly my friend.
  17. Great idea Barry, it's been too long. Post when and where, I'll do my best to be there.
  18. ALWAYS, boots, jeans, gloves,3/4 helmet. Usually, mesh jacket.
  19. 19,000 already pre sold!
  20. Dagnabit! I've been assigned a speaking part in the Flag Day Ceremony at the Elks Lodge. I won't be able to make it. Till next time, be safe my friends.
  21. I'm going to go out today and practice for the big day. I haven't been to work in years.
  22. I saw one of these at a display in Daytona. I was tempted to place a deposit but didn't. I like the concept and just might follow through on that deposit idea.
  23. Awesome story. I have a bell. Thanks Barry!
  24. I'm ready, let's do this.
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