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Everything posted by gez

  1. I bought one of these as a leftover in '84. Great bike, advertised at the time as the fastest off the showroom floor motorcycle. Sub 11 second 1/4s, top speed 150mph. Wish I still had it.
  2. I bought one second hand from the wrecking yard, hacked off the heel part, I never used it and it was in my way. Kept the original to put back if needed.
  3. I just installed a Commander II on my Roadie. Sholud I be worried?
  4. Am I missing something. Is there something wrong with the Yamaha OEM filter?
  5. Very Nice! I want one.
  6. Well it happened yesterday, it's the first time I've experienced a flat while out on the road. About 200 miles into my 240 ride home the rear tire went flat. Felt a wobble, let off the gas, wobble increased. I felt it was the rear and applied the front brake quickly coming to a stop on the shoulder from 60 mph. Feeling lucky I didn't go down, I thought no worries, I've got AAA's top coverage including motorcycles. I call them, answer several questions and I'm told help will arrive in 1.5 hours. This is at 5 PM. Several calls later, I'm told help will arrive by 8:45. I got a call directly from the tow guy at 8, he arrived at 8:25. with a tow truck, not a flat bed. Not good, I thought. Out comes a wheel chock and a u channel. They get attached to the boom, the bike was loaded, strapped and away we went. Actually I was impressed. Bottom line, a free tow to my house valued at about $200 according to the driver. I asked about the wait and I was told that I beat the average, only waiting 3.5 hours. So, I question AAA's service, is it worth it? I could have handled this myself quicker as I was not that far from home. But, it wouldn't have been free and I would have had to call in a few favors.
  7. That sure could have been worse. I tried that t-bone the dog thing back in the eighties. Going about 40mph, he came from nowhere. I went over the handlebars and bounced down the street a bit spraining my wrist and ruining a good full face helmet. The wife, not so lucky. She stayed with the bike with her leg trapped between the pavement and the muffler. She suffered a third degree burn the size of a football. A long painful recovery. I begged her not to wear shorts. That could be why she has lost her enthusiasm with respect to motorcycling.
  8. Mike, so sorry to hear this. Glad to have made your acquaintance and to have rode a bit together. Sometimes in life you just gotta do what ya gotta do. Safe travels, wishing you all the best.
  9. OUCH!
  10. too funny
  11. gez

    Question ...

    Yamaha's rack comes with plates for both inside and outside the lid. That's the way I would go.
  12. RSV and a Roadstar, a great combination. Ride safe my friend.
  13. BAsed on advice, I went and bought a meter. Yup, spent the seven bucks and added another tool to the box. I'm not foreign to working a wrench, did brakes on the car a few weeks ago and a water pump on the truck last week. But, electronics baffle me. Battery reads 12.4 volts at rest, with engine just above idle, 13.8 volts. I've not had a problem with the battery discharging. I don't ride this one often and it usually starts without a problem after sitting a few weeks. I'll pull the battery and have it load tested. Baby steps. We'll get to the bottom of this. Thanks to all for sharing your wisdom.
  14. I've had the bike for three years, it had 2,500 miles when I bought it. It now has 13,000 miles, Oil/filter and tires have been my only maintenance.
  15. Eck, thanks for the quick response. From your suggestions this doesn't sound too serious. I'll get to work on it. 1. battery at least 3 years old. 2. No 3. connections tight and spotless. 4. I'll look into the fuse box.
  16. Might anyone have an idea where I should start to remedy this incident? I was about 2 miles into a short 4 mile ride on my Road Star ( I know this is a Venture forum, but they are both carbureted and I assume have similar electronic components with regard to running the engine) things were fine when I noticed the speedometer indicated 80 miles an hour while I know I was traveling about 45. The instrument panel then went blank and soon after that the bike sputtered to a stop, totally dead. Trying to start it was like there was no battery in the bike. I was able to leave it where it was and returned to it many hours later when I attempted to start it, it did without hesitation. I rode it home, 2 miles without incident. I appeal to the council of master mechanics here that make this forum invaluable, and ideas?
  17. After a 25 year layoff, I got back on a bike 3 years ago. When I quit, I rode a Kawi GPZ1100 and was considered by myself and peers to be an above average rider. 3 years ago I bought my Road Star, read a few books and took what was called a bike bonding course. Very glad I made the investment, I'm a much better rider now than I was back in the day. Regardless of your experience, proper training is always beneficial. Suggest a course to your friend and take it with him.
  18. SO sad. Thoughts and prayers sent.
  19. gez

    The irony

    Honesty, always the best policy? I'm sure it is, but. The car is in the body shop getting repaired. I'm very happy with Allstate's attention and handling of this incident. They are trying to recover my $500 deductible from the offending party. I get a call from Allstate going over the incident. I answered an impact question with two, there were two impacts. The bike hit me, then the truck hit the bike. I'm then told the trucks insurer had already assumed responsibility but this changed everything because it wasn't the truck that hit ME. The biker did produce an insurance card, we'll see what happens.
  20. Heal quickly my friend. Listen to those doctors, the do know what they are talking about.
  21. gez

    The irony

    There I was stopped in traffic with this CHECK TWICE FOR MOTORCYCLES sticker clearly posted on the back of my car when suddenly I get rear ended by..........wait for it.......... a motorcycle. There was a second thump as the truck behind the motorcycle landed its blow. I pulled up a bit and hesitated getting out of the car not knowing what I would see. Thankfully the biker with full face helmet was getting off the ground a bit shaken but not stirred. I'm sure he's sore today but he was able to walk away. Could have been much worse, thank you God. His brand new Yamaha Star 1300 didn't fair well crunched between the two vehicles.
  22. Darn, missing another one. I have to attend a mandatory Elks Clinic in Belle Glade. Depending on weather, I should get about a hundred miles in the wind.
  23. I have (second set) E3s on the RSV and Exedras on the Road Star. Never had an issue with with them, but I prefer the E3s. I think they have a little better grip.
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