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Personal Information

  • Name
    Billy Brown


  • Location
    Crossville, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe

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  1. Thank you - I really appreciate it.
  2. Thanks a million for the reply - I really appreciate it.
  3. Thanks a million for the help. I really do appreciate it.
  4. Hi - I need help identifying what this gear is called and a part number if possible. I cranked up my 2006 RSTD (103,000 miles) and the clutch was noisy, more than normal. So, I pulled the clutch cover along with the all the parts then the clutch basket. Immediately I saw the problem - a small plastic gear with two teeth broken in the upper part of the clutch compartment. This gear is only visible after the clutch basket has been removed. Can anyone tell me what this gear is called or possibly know the part number? I've attached photos with an arrow pointing to the gear. I appreciate any help or information! Thanks a million! BJ
  5. Bill,

    It was a pleasure running into you and your better half last night in Huntsville. Please tell your friends that were with you the same.


    Hope to see you again down the road.


    If you or your freind ever need help, or just want to meet up some place for a bite, feel free to call me.

    256-774-5153 = home

    256-432-1569 = office

    256-429-8623 = cell



    Until then, ride safe..:thumbsup2:


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