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12 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ken Kettering


  • Location
    Port St. Lucie, FL, United States


  • City
    Port St. Lucie


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2013 Venture
  1. Those 'event' weekends are terrible as far as traffic goes. When we go down we stay at Trumbo Point Annex and get up and hit the road pretty early-off the island by 0730 just avoid the traffic, or at least get a good jump on it. I'll have to try Truman Annex one of these days...it seems like a lot shorter crawl at the end of the evening.
  2. Radar Now has been pretty good to me.
  3. From Titusville, you best bet is 95 south to Jupiter exit 87B/SR 706W. When you get to the end of the turnpike, again, pay attention to the signs as the exit lane for US1 South is the right lane. You can stay straight and go on into the Keys. This is a 2-lane road with passing lanes every coupla miles. I hate going this way. I always seem to get stuck behind slow movers that want to speed up when they get to the passing lanes. Also, there's a lot more traffic, and if there's an accident, you're screwed. If you're feeling a little adventurous, You can go about a mile? maybe after getting off the 'pike and you can take the Card Sound Rd. - HWY 905A(left turn). There's a big green hwy sign for it. Right before you get there there's a place called the Last Chance Saloon on the right(I'm just throwing this in as a landmark reference). About 5 miles down Card Sound Rd., on the right is a nice little place called Alabama Jack's. You may have seen some of the Hoda Hoopla on the Today? Show when she was talking about bikers as leather wearing losers. Anyway, this our sort of 'welcome-to-the Keys' stop, in case you feel the need to rehydrate or just have an adult beverage and maybe get something to eat. They have pretty good sandwiches there. There's a toll booth ($1 cash) to continue on. You'll go maybe another 5 miles and get to a stop sign where you either have to go right or left - go right. This my preferred route into the Keys. Hope this helps. Oh, on more thing. If you're looking for a scenic ride while your staying in Titusville, you can go down to Cocoa (US1 S to 520E) and take Brevard Ave. south. Take a left on Church St.(should be second left according to Google Maps). Its a little tricky as you go through a renovated artsy Downtown district for a little bit, and again, you'll have to watch the signs so you don't miss your turn. The objective here is to get all the way east to the Indian River and take Rockledge Dr. south. This a very scenic ride along the Indian River on the left with trees hanging over the road and nice houses on the right. I like to take this ride periodically. Rockledge Dr. will eventually dump you back out onto US1 and you can go south to something that will take you I95, or back to where your staying in Titusville. Enjoy. Any questions, PM me.
  4. I was a submarine rider in the Navy. When I joined an MC, it's the name they gave me. It's good thing most of the old hands were Army and Marines, or they may have had the imagination to take it a little farther and come up with Catfish, or...Flounder. Either way I'd have worn them proudly as well.
  5. Only on the surface
  6. Only on the surface
  7. Not this time
  8. OK, I had plenty of fuel, only ~45 miles on the tank. I thought about the points, but the bike only has 19K on it, which I guess doesn't really mean anything. I guess it's time to let the "professionals" take a look. As I (think I) posted earlier, I don't have a lot of faith in these local guys in figuring this out and it will mean giving the bike up for a few days one way or another. Besides that, I kinda like doing my own work when I can. Thanks guys
  9. Yesterday, something weird happened. As I was getting on the interstate, the on-ramp made a big left curve then a big right curve before it straightened up. I was riding a little more aggressively than I normally do(leaning more into the curves). When I straightened up and started accelerating to merge with traffic, I started to lose power(like I was out of gas) until it finally quit. So I'm sitting on the side of the road for maybe 15 mins(seemed longer), poking prodding and jiggling wires and hoses, I finally decided to dig my tools out and see if there was any spark. I also tried to start it a coupla times prior to this, it would crank but not fire. I couldn't hear the fuel pump, but that may be just because of road noise. Anyway, after I got the right rear spark plug wire off, as I tried cranking the bike, it started up. I returned home(~15-20 miles), riding hard, and it ran fine. Any ideas? In case it doesn't show up in my profile, I'm riding a 2013 RSV
  10. Stealing too. Thanks
  11. OK, so here's my question(s). I'm intrigued by this darkside stuff. I'm also impressed with what I've read re Ride On. I'm planning an changing my own tires the next go'round, whether I go with 2 MC tires or a CT on the rear. Is the Ride On used to balance the CTs? What tools are needed for changing one's own tires?
  12. In a motor when voltage is reduced the amps try to go down and this causes the motor to slow down, just like ohms law says it should. In an AC motor, speed is directly related to ac frequency(HZ). In DC motor, speed will be related to volts. For a given HP motor, HP is proportional to volts and amps(v X a). For a given HP, if volts Decreases, amps Increases
  13. I think I'll just wrap my helmet in foil.
  14. Bought mine new Apr this year, 8800+ miles so far. Traded in an 02 Vulcan with 88k on it. Rode to San Antonio, what a comfortable bike. If I can get my hwy mileage fixed I'll be sold on it. I'm optimistic that I'll be able to get it figured out with what I've read here. I've just got to stay off of it long enough...
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