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Everything posted by cruzer04

  1. thanks all for your quick responses and timely advice if i can make a deal with this guy i may try and catch up with you he is asking 6900 certified, i have my 05 road star with 30000 km s,I want to trade but he is asking for cash as well which i am not interested in......so we will need to wait and see if he comes around again thanks for all the input
  2. right now looking for some advice/direction. i know this can be a loaded question but looking for some good advice on the possible purchase of this bike i am looking to purchase an 04 venture with 120000 km or approx 75000 mi on it it has been owned by 2 previous riders (seniors apparently) regular maintenance has been performed it has just had a new clutch installed now i am very unfamiliar with these bikes and the longevity expected from them. i am not necessarily afraid of the mileage but more perhaps a costly expense i can afford the bike but if there is some crazy maintenance repair that will be need i just want to try to be educated a head of time. i have learned the Goldwing can go a long ways without major repairs with regular maintenance as any pc of machinery can/will do if i am able to have a few thoughts on the longevity and possible future repairs would be appreciated thanks in advance Tim
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