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Everything posted by TheKid

  1. I would also look at the trailmaster aspen classic. Reason i say is because the bed is a king, you have ALOT more storage because of the basement design, and also the room in front is bigger than the bunkhouse as well. Also the poles are in the inside of the tent so set up can be down out of the weather after setting the jack stands 4 each corner. I believe there is also a brake option as well. I have an 07 model aspen classic and totally enjoy it. I dont have breaks and dont have a problem pulling it in mountains or highway speeds. Good luck and enjoy the shopping.
  2. TheKid

    Do you...

    I trust mine. It may take me in an indirect route but when I am on the bike "it isn't about the destination, it is about the journey getting there". But I sometimes do wonder what the hell "she" (GPS speaks in female voice) is doing and thinking LOL. Ride Safe
  3. Full Throttle is FREE utill 7pm then it is $10 with a FREE Drink. There is a VIP pass that will get you close to the stage for prices that you quote. As for Buffalo Chip they charge to get in period no matter what, so you either need to have a camping pass with music pass or you have to buy tix for the individual concerts. Broken Spoke is $10 if you are not camping there. If I read Glencoe's website the concerts there are FREE this year. So Buffalo Chip is the most expensive place to catch a concert. They have always charged for the concerts in the history that i remember. I have not taken part of any concerts but plan to do it this year for sure. I am not a big drinker so I will be just riding. Ride Safe and enjoy. Maybe we will catch up at breakfast while out there.
  4. you will def enjoy the MRSV for the long ride over the C50. Sturgis is a HUGE event and some great riding. I will be leading a group of bikes (2 VR members and others) through WI on the 5th. We will get to Pleasant Prairie, WI on Aug 4th and travel thru WI on i90 to Jackson, MN. If you are on the road and want to join please feel free. The lead bike will be my MRSV "BlkLbl" and we will be running Channel 07 on the CB. Ride Safe and maybe we will see ya on the road or at breakfast.
  5. I have had quite a few different pipes on mine. Once I had straight pipes, that was LOUD. Have a set of RK drilled pipes, OEM, and turn downs. I have had the turn downs on for a while and done many long rides of 1000 miles or more. I am bout to change back to the rk pipes for my Sturgis trip. Maybe I will hear radio, intercom, and cb better lol. everyone ride safe
  6. I bought a Hagon like 4 months ago. I am def pleased with it. I went with the heavy spring load of the 300kg. There is not a shock out on the market that has a remote loader except the oem spring. I spent right around $500 shipped from the Cali distributor. Last I heard they actually had some instock but that was right around the beginning of the heavy riding season. By the way Hagon was the cheapest I founded shipped out of all of them (works, YSS, OEM, Hagon). Ride Safe.
  7. I am sure they will work also. I have helped install them before. I know Dave the owner of custom dynamics very well. He is a great guy and def runs a top notch company. I have been dealing with them since he start the company out of his attic at his house. Matter a fact they are building a new facility (bigger) out in youngsville nc. If you have problems def call the service line they will def try their hardest to help. Ride Safe.
  8. 40 Years is AWESOME!!! Congrats. My parents celebrate 39 next Saturday July 14th. I am so proud of both you I am hoping and praying my marriage which starts in Oct this year last just as long and longer. Ride Safe and see ya on the road again sometime soon
  9. I am def in. I am sure the custom ones are cheaper than the Yamaha ones on ebay.
  10. just want to refresh this post. Does any one have a set of smooth saddlebag accents that they never got around putting on the hinges. I am looking for the smooth set or maybe a template so i can maybe get some gut out. I am trying to add new swag to the bike. Thanks venture family.
  11. Rick, Thanks for the offer. We have our plans and sent out to the group. We will be staying in lexington Ky Aug 3 and then Pleasant Prairie, WI Aug 4th. You are deg welcome to join in with us if you like. There is a guy riding out there that would probably def share a room. He has his own right now. Let me know. I am sure you know sturgis better than I do and can show more stuff. Ride Safe
  12. I have run turn brake led set up on the back of my rsv. my turn signals are red in the center and amber outer ring. Just a reminder if your rear turn signals aren't red you can get a ticket for them being illuminated all the time. I think you have the rsv lite up now on the back.
  13. So how about 155 for 07 taxes and then 35 or 45 for the personalized plates. so it is about 200 to keep my 07 on the road in carolina. my aspen camper is about 50 to keep on the road. carolina sucks for taxes and plates.
  14. I have a good group of people riding out with me i believe as of now there are 6 or 7 bikes. I can't promise i can get all of the to go to breakfast. I do know the one major day we spend downtown my bike and trailer will be at the JDX (Jack Daniel's Experience). So I am sure I will meet and see some VR riders out there somewhere or sometime. We stay in Wall so i will try to talk some or all of the to ride in and enjoy in a breakfast. Everyone Ride safe we don't have much longer to go wait.
  15. Ok so i started this thread a while back and never got around to tuning my CB. I am now in TN working for a while and I feel like my CB needs to be tuned. I can hear and communicate with others but I have to keep my Squelch high like maxed out so that i dont always hear static or interference. Is there anyone in TN around Nashville that knows how to tune and has the swr tool? thanks for the help.
  16. I usually lead the rides but I do sometime run as the tail gunner. If not I am in the middle to help with radio control as well. I ride with one of the largest riding clubs in the nation and a lot of darksiders are in it as well on all different bikes. Why would you ask if we ride in the back?
  17. I run a khumo like most RSV Darksiders. My riding styles sound about just like SilvrT. The only difference might be is that I also pull an aspen classic sometimes and pull a cargo trailer through the twisties and on super slab. I don't see a down fall on running a CT with my style of riding either. I agree with SilvrT with the benefits for me as well. I don't see there being any problem with the emergency swerve because i have had to do a few. It also stops better in the rain and in emergencies. Rides much better on gravel. I say do as you like because we are all adults. I can not listen to anyone that works for any ct company or motorcycle company because they are all going to say don't do it because they HAVE to. if not they would be facing a lot of legal issues. Motorcycle companies tell you not to pull trailers as well but there are a lot of us out there that do. Ride your ride your, no one else's. Put what ever tires on your bike you like. Just ride safe and be aware of others around.
  18. I run a khumo powerstar 165/80 15. I personally like it but you will get a lot of people's point of views on here.
  19. I don't have a switch on mine either.
  20. Avon pile apart and chunk rubber.
  21. Wow that is good mileage. Are you riding 75, pulling a trailer, 2-up or are you riding 55 back 2-lanes, 1 up? It all depends on how you ride, when you ride, how long you ride at times, etc. I have almost 25K on my CT and still have plenty of tread to probably finish this season of 15K. lets not do the cost savings as well. Like i said earlier. U ride your ride I ride mine. Oh yea on the retard picture, I will ignore it LOL. I am a pretty smart retard having three degrees and one being a masters. I have done a lot of analysis on running a CT. I will continue running it because I enjoy my ride.
  22. I read the article and it does bring up things that I thought as well. Like SilvrT said anyone that works for a company that doesn't specifically make products for motorcycles has to say that they don't recommend it. Because if they don't say it they open the door to lawsuits and much more issues. I run a Khumo on the back of my 07 MRSV and have to say I really enjoy it and have many miles on it. It rides better in rain and much better in gravel/sand. Yes there will be the occasional incidents but then again they are with motorcycle tires as well if you don't pay attention to them and check pressure and tread throughout the wear. I say do as you please and ride your ride. I like mine and yall like what you ride. Just ride safe and be aware of your surroundings.
  23. I made it back to Nashville from the meet and greet also. Had a blast with great friends and great food. I am also a new proud owner of some bling (Diamond Cut Fins) from EUSA Mike. Makes the Black Label Jack Daniels bike look even more sharp. Everyone ride safe.
  24. I was 23 or 24 when I bought my 07 new. I am now almost 30. I love my ride and was told I was on a geezer glide also but I would always say I ride in comfort. Remember most ppl saying this don't ride their bikes like I do or we do. Ride safe and keep the rubber on the road.
  25. My fiance and I will be riding in from NC with 5 other bikes. Oh yea all of us riding the only trailers going with us are the ones we are towing behind us. We will be taking the northern route there to get a few more states marked off the map. Then taken a southern route home to get even more states and sites in. We are staying in Wall SD at the Sunshine Motel right down the road from Wall Drug. John the owner is a great person and takes care of us bikers while there. Will be riding every day to all the different sites and probably taking in some of the night sites as well.
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