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Everything posted by mbrood

  1. Unlock and lift the radio tray and you should be able to follow the wire from the unknown item to the equipment it's reporting on. Definitely added as neither the V or VR has this as standard equipment.
  2. Yeah, but if you can detach it and send your companion on their way... wouldn't that make it worth it?
  3. We have one right here... http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3134&title=1st-gen-radio2f-cb-antenna-and-mount&cat=6
  4. I just removed the backrest (from inside the trunk) and then you have full access.
  5. I run 2 3' Firestick in black, one for CB and one for FM... other than the colored tip on the CB, they look the same. I also use the swivel mount so they can be laid down when needed (when covered).
  6. I'm curious, since these are hydraulic, there should be even pressure on each side even if the caliper was displaced left or right marginally... I've never seen this on my bikes (earlier makes and models of course), can someone describe how the wear is differential?
  7. You might try this site and FIRST get in contact with the chaplain... http://www.i-mef.usmc.mil/external/1stmardiv/5thmarregt/2-5/news/news_2010_06_16.jsp
  8. The license holder on my XS750 simply says: If you love your life like I love my bike, DON'T MESS WITH IT!
  9. Only the '83 uses the TCI number 26H-82305-10-00 The '84-'89 uses the 41R series ( 41R-82305-11-00 )
  10. The ignition switch CAN get funky but it's an either go or no go for everything. When it drops the spark... check for +12v on pins 2, 3, 6 and 7 at the TCI (yeah, just pull the plug and measure with the key on)... this goes from the battery, through the primary of the ignition coils to the TCI. While there, make sure that the pins on the TCI are clean and the ones in the white plugs are as well as all spread the same. With the ignition off, measure the resistance from the ignition fuse to each sparkplug cap... you should read 23K Ohms... 13K for the ignition coil secondary and 10K for the resistor in the plug cap... much more and one end of the high voltage ignition wire is corroded and needs a short bit clipped and reattached. http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/tci/tciplugs.jpg
  11. I'm rather small and single handed was flat out of the question... untill I pulled the bolts and greased the heck out of them... life is SO much simpler now. You should remember that a LOT of weight is being transferred to the bolt and pivot so "any grease" is amazing.
  12. On mine, I pulled the radio tray (removeable) and put some tiny washers under the blue connectors in the radio "well" so that they were raised by the thickness of the washers. Now when I "seat" the radio tray it seats much better into the connectors. I guess the inner "well" must bend over time??
  13. My 86 is definitely a 1300 but the covers also say YICS... just a stock draw down...
  14. Using I-Tunes, your "library" of your IPod are also stored on your computer hard drive... this can be seen using Windows Explorer (Program Files/ iTunes/iTunes.Resources... or iTunes Miniplayer.Resources). These are the two libraries of my IPOD and my Itouch. Plugging in your wife's will also let Windows Explorer show it as a removeable media that files can be copied to.
  15. You should be able to ohm from the ignition fuse to the inside of each sparkplug cap and read about 23K Ohm... 13K for the coil secondary and 10K for the resistor in the cap.
  16. I must be doing something wrong, I use a 3/8 Powerbuilt cr-v 18 plug socket with a short swivel adapter and a ratchet, break it with the ratchet and then use the socket and swivel to remove... but I only remove the side covers to get to the rear plugs and use the hole between the radiator and the lower "leg" of the lowers for the front plugs.
  17. Yep, much better than any of the pro sports and cheaper... but actually, I find them much more entertaining and relaxing. And the kids get a real charge from an audience!
  18. Sure sounds like you pinched a wire on reassembly somewhere... a resistance check from the fuse to ground would answer this.
  19. Yes, You REALLY have to use some good carb cleaner or gas to get the fabric covering the wires clean of old oil, then I used Yamabond4 (discontinued now, I think, but Suzukibond4 of Hondabond4 is all the same) to coat the wires just insde and outside of the grommet, work it a bit into the fabric and then a bit around the grommet holes. Worked fine for me!
  20. The 2.2K should be perfect. With the key ON, try wiggling the wires from the connection at the fuse panel, up to the original Johnson (bullet) connection and then where that wire goes into the harness looking to see that battery indicator blink on. It goes from there directly to the CMS and to a TD62504P IC chip inside (there are two but the wire leads directly to a pin on one of them.). It could be a bad connector there as well.
  21. mine is sent, plus a little.
  22. The fuse holder is also a high suspect, over years they become brittle and don't hold well. You should be able to get a resistance reading from the HOT side of the ignition fuse to the inside of each plug holder and see about 23K Ohms... 13K for each coil and 10K for the resistor in the plug holder. Pin D is the disable mentioned earlier. You also need to check that the connector at the drivers left ankle (ignition pickup coils) is clean and tight and that the same is checked for both TCI connectors. http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/tci/tciplugs.jpg
  23. My 86 has a thin rubber "membrane" between the switch button and the lower switches. The 84 I work on didn't have it so I used a piece of Saran Wrap... not the best but sure beats water corrosion.
  24. Yep, it's a CFM thing... IF the pump would survive, it would take FOREVER to get enough volume to inflate a tire. I agree that the pump would go before that and it's NOT a cheap pump. But they DO make small, light electric pumps that are just great... not terribly speedy but efficient and reliable... so if IT blows up, oh well...
  25. Sounds to me like they opened up the fuel idle mixture jet (CCW) and now you are too rich from 1k to about 2.5K rpm, which is why taking the airbox cover off (more air) makes her run better. These should be 2.25 to 2.5 turns BACK from a gentle seat... The "brass sleeves" are found on unmolested carbs and have to be drilled out to get to the fuel idle mixture jets. http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/1stcarbs3.jpg
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