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Everything posted by mbrood

  1. Looks like the pegs are directly beneath the driver's seat... http://www.bergall.org/temp/0.jpg
  2. http://www.ontarioretreads.ca/ Many USA state chapters as well. Mike
  3. Kevin, I believe those control only the headphone speakers, the intercom (mic) volume is only selected by the driver on the radio control panel. Mike
  4. The Intercom volume knob can be turned OFF (full CCW) or to the desired sensitivity, it sounds like it's not ON, loud enough or there's a problem with that unit. http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/vr1.jpg
  5. It's been reported quite often, audio intermittents, power blinks... the two. lower receiver connections, after years of tuner/cassette rack removal and reinstall, tend to flex down on install resulting in a poor connection. I put a couple small washers between the lower connections and the tray to raise the connectors up a bit and now the "seating" of the radio rack is solid and tight. Mike
  6. Yamabond#4 can also be sourced as Hondabond#4, Suzukibond#4, etc. And yes, standard shadetree for unavailable gaskets is buying a roll of gasket paper, lay it across the needy part and beat with a rubber mallet... leaving the embossed impression and then cutting with scissors, knife, razor... You can buy various thickness as needed and it's WAY cheaper... but YOUR labor will often prove cheaper to your wallet than mass produced purchase... ya got to weigh availability against cost and time. I DO love the idea the Brits have that two machined surfaces will so tightly mate without a gasket or sealer... and they are perfectly correct... up until you run the engine a few times and it goes through heat cycles leaving you typically with one or four small distortions between the two that drip forever. My Nortons were drained, "loosened" and a bead of sealant squeezed in, retorqued and refilled. They would sit in the garage and leave with the same floor condition... no drips. Some called me anal... but not chasing drips is a rather desired thing in my book. You have to understand what you are facing and either surrender or achieve. Many engineers design making highly calculated calculations and assumptions... it's not "nice" to tell them their 'baby' has a problem... take it away and fix it and everybody is happy.
  7. It's curious that all the sample pictures are the same... Also curious that their domain is less than a year old... Creation Date: 2013-03-08, through GoDaddy and hidden behind barriers so owner/location are unknown. And who lists unavailable categories...? http://www.motoghg.com/ At a glance, it would seem a foreign company but without any track record I would walk away. If really curious, I would contact them and ask the length of the top on their seat you want... measuring in the garage is easy... trying to track down on the net.. not so much. Mike Brood
  8. RTV has many uses but is an absolute BEAR to remove and breaks down in the presence of many petrolium products. I like Yamabond #4... thin, resistant, remains flexible and peals off even after repeated heat soaks. You can often peal it from the gasket and reapply after your maintenace is done. Sure saves on gaskets. Permatex had it's uses at the time but it sure had it's drawbacks a few years down the road... made you a real friend with the single edged razor blade ! I bought a car that later needed a new head gasket... I found out why Permatex Red was red... it's permanent. I had a hoist hooked up to the unbolted head and raising it up saw the front wheels come off the ground, resorted to a thin chisel and it finally came loose, but that was after graduating hammer weights a couple times... messed up a perfectly fine head and didn't help the block a bit. Even shadetree mechanics need to keep up with the times and new products.
  9. During a lady's medical examination, the doctor says: "Your heart, lungs, pulse and blood pressure are all fine. Now let me see the bit that gets you ladies into all kinds of trouble." The lady starts taking off her underwear but is interrupted by the doctor. "No! No! Don't remove your clothes...........just stick out your tongue!"
  10. Believing the celibration is more one of heart than head... it speaks to me of the fundamentals... and a reason to again show the generosity of the spirit. From hospitals to YMCAs, from churches to community centers, more Americans volunteer time and money to charitable causes than any other country. Giving is the cornerstone of our nation’s culture and America’s heritage of generosity. If you, or others you know, have worked to improve our community, again, I thank you! I believe that Americans, especially American youth, should be proud of our country. We are still the magnet for the world, truly a “shining city upon the hill”. An important part of civic education, in addition to learning about history and our form of government, is to learn to be proud of our country and the responsibilities of the individual to help maintain and try to make it perfection. Is it the best possible? Of course not, but it's in our unending drive for improvement and our freedoms and liverties that allow even the notion that is so remarkable in this world. It's the individual that makes the whole stronger, not the whole that makes the individual the way they accept, a key difference in self-responsibility and authoritarian dogma. Just like each of us get's up to start the day, our dedication starts at home, then family, community and country. Thank you to those many millions that find a moment in the day to extend a hand to those less fortunate. It, again, proves that the most careful and thoughtful way to help is not through taxes and selective rewards but to loving good will and generosity. The folly is in thinking generosity can be governed. Sometimes the best you can offer is a smile, but that, too, can be a marvelous gift. A few weeks ago, a Navy hospital ship returned to San Diego. The number of patients treated, surgeries performed, all in other countries, brought tears to my eyes. We think this is normal, but it is another issue that makes this country exceptional. That is why it has always been important to me to recognize the selfless efforts of so many on behalf of our community. It is in America that we can, and we all understand to, work to “make this world a better place”, there are so few other options. I wish you all a blessed holiday, Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! Mike Brood
  11. I wouldn't buy a second one for nobody. It charged up fine and cranked her over like a powerhouse, but no matter how hard I jump on the seat I can't get the tires to hit the ground... kinda makes the centerstand redundant as well.
  12. I would definitely look at 'Play it again Sam' or craigslist, the newness of retail is really secondary to the job it's to do, and if it becomes a dust collector, moving it along to another is less of a problem.
  13. If it's a 1st Gen bike, the spring and THIN flat washer just hold positive pressure on the filter keeping it located properly, thus the reason for the o-rings on each side of the filter... it is best to get them replaced. http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/oil-filter.jpg
  14. A woman went to the doctor's office where she was seen by one of the younger doctors. After about four minutes in the examination room, she burst out screaming as she ran down the hall. An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was, and she told him her story. After listening, he had her sit down and relax in another room. The older doctor marched down the hallway back to where the young doctor was writing on his clipboard. "What's the hell is the matter with you?!" the older doctor demanded. "Mrs. Terry is 71 years old, has four grown children and seven grandchildren, and you told her she was pregnant?" The younger doctor continued writing and without looking up said, "Well, does she still have the hiccups?
  15. A couple was Christmas shopping at the mall on Christmas Eve and the mall was packed. Walking through the mall the surprised wife look up and noticed her husband was no where around and she was very upset because they had a lot to do. She used her cell phone to call her husband because she was so upset, to ask him where he was. The husband in a calm voice said, honey remember the jewelry store we went into 5 years ago where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we could not afford and I told you that I would get it for you one day. His wife said crying, yes I remember that jewelry store. He said, well I'm in the bar next to it.
  16. Then I would start getting more specific in the troubleshooting... is it better when you FIRST start out and gets worse as she warms up... is it gear independent... is it RPM dependent...?
  17. Since you didn't mention a problem with idle... that leaves the idle jets and porting out. Since you didn't mention a problem with acceleration... that leaves the main jets and porting out. It's when sustained fuel consumption is required. Did you try to slow and back off and immediately repeat the acceleration? I would also question fuel pickup in the tank, fuel lines and possibly the pump. I had a TR3 that would idle like a champ, accelerate like nobody's business and then bog... a fuel line was replaced and sliced open... it had internal deterioration and a small "flap" of line would lift to the higher fuel demand and contrict fuel flow until demand dropped and the flap "laid down". The outside of the hose looked older but no age cracks or kinks were seen. I always suspected fuel additives but what would I know.
  18. Just my experience... I went to an Oregon school, first through fourth, I was expected to get "A"s and tested at home, homework was viewed and reviewed ... no curve, you got what you got... fail and you repeat. I moved to a Washington school for fifth and sixth and it picked up with just a little repeat of what I learned. Then we moved to California school... it was all geared to the slowest student and even if he (she) couldn't catch on, they passed... wouldn't want to hurt their feelings... but during the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth grade I was bored out of my mind, they were repeating what I had already been taught. I even had teachers tell me not to raise my hand... "Don't make the other students feel bad." Nobody flunked and darned few studied. My cousin graduated with never learning cursive or proper spelling... "It was close enough, we knew what you meant." All well and good until he stepped out into the real world. Without sound fundamentals he felt betrayed and basically started running with those of his educational equal... not good at all... it took a couple years in the Army and the brig to help him... he "found religion" and applied to a seminary to become a preacher... "They only ask us to read and preach... I can do that." California colleges are split, there are a few that are geared to teaching you to THINK but the others are there to tell you WHAT to think, indoctrination at it's finest. Agree and you pass, disagree and you are "released" from the class, facts were immaterial... they KNEW how we were suppose to think. Bring in proof of the errors and they REALLY got upset. Dumbing down the education curriculm is a very obvious problem but great for indoctrination. They "save money" by doing away with home economics, wood shop, automotive shop, industrial arts and creative art and higher science and math but you are effectively teaching a McDonalds worker how to flip burgers... but not count change... that's what the computer/register is for, right?
  19. You say it "sounds" like it's bogging down... with a steady throttle, does the rpm drop, does the speed drop?
  20. It's really a demo tape for the latest GPS mapping/guidance system that is becoming such a standard. It reads your airplane type, airspeed, altitude and direction and when you put in a destination it provides a "safe highway" to land when you get in that strips "control area". Clouds and fog aren't an issue and all ground obstacles are calculated... so the pilot basically sees a "tube" that he stays in which takes him down to pattern, downwind leg and onto final. It's fairly intensive mapping requirements are only opening up fairly substantial strips after full mapping is insured, but it will continue to grow. Another step to pilotless carriers probably.
  21. It's called homework... and any court date needs plenty. If you walk into court with a transcript of the law, you are starting smarter. Quote a law or ordinance number and it gives them something but they HATE to look it up when you are standing there and they can just make a decision on their own. Come prepared or be prepared for what they toss at ya.
  22. To me, the first action in evaluating poor fuel economy is to pull and inspect the plugs... they will tell you lean or rich and you take action from there. The thinness and compound of the rubber in the diaphragm, in conjunction with the spring are designed for a determined piston response. Heavier rubber (or buildup), residue in the piston sleeve, blocked vacuum paths, little o-ring missing just behind the diaphragm cover will all degrade the design. The piston should have a smooth glide feel as it's inserted, any irregularity needs checked and corrected if possible. Pinholes alter the diaphragm performance but by the increment of the size and numer of the holes.
  23. As you can see, inside, before the mater piston is a spring, and within the dust boot is your spring for full return of the lever... http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/clutch-master.jpg
  24. Some places in Idaho picked up the attraction. Going from Twin Falls to Boise... in a stretch of barren foothills... no water for miles and miles... sits a sign along the side of the road... no fishing within 100 feet of this sign.
  25. For those who never saw any of the Burma Shave signs, here is a quick lesson in our history of the 1930's, 40's, 50's and 60's. Before there were interstates, when everyone drove the old 2 lane roads, Burma Shave signs would be posted all over the countryside in farmers' fields.They were small red signs with white letters. Five signs, about 100 feet apart, each containing 1 line of a 4 line couplet......and the obligatory 5th sign advertising Burma Shave, a popular shaving cream. DON'T STICK YOUR ELBOW OUT SO FAR IT MAY GO HOME IN ANOTHER CAR. Burma Shave TRAINS DON'T WANDER ALL OVER THE MAP 'CAUSE NOBODY SITS IN THE ENGINEER'S LAP Burma Shave SHE KISSED THE HAIRBRUSH BY MISTAKE SHE THOUGHT IT WAS HER HUSBAND JAKE Burma Shave DON'T LOSE YOUR HEAD TO GAIN A MINUTE YOU NEED YOUR HEAD YOUR BRAINS ARE IN IT Burma Shave DROVE TOO LONG DRIVER SNOOZING WHAT HAPPENED NEXT IS NOT AMUSING Burma Shave BROTHER SPEEDER LET'S REHEARSE ALL TOGETHER GOOD MORNING, NURSE Burma Shave CAUTIOUS RIDER TO HER RECKLESS DEAR LET'S HAVE LESS BULL AND A LITTLE MORE STEER Burma Shave SPEED WAS HIGH WEATHER WAS NOT TIRES WERE THIN X MARKS THE SPOT Burma Shave THE MIDNIGHT RIDE OF PAUL FOR BEER LED TO A WARMER HEMISPHERE Burma Shave AROUND THE CURVE LICKETY-SPLIT BEAUTIFUL CAR WASN'T IT? Burma Shave NO MATTER THE PRICE NO MATTER HOW NEW THE BEST SAFETY DEVICE IN THE CAR IS YOU Burma Shave A GUY WHO DRIVES A CAR WIDE OPEN IS NOT THINKIN' HE'S JUST HOPIN' Burma Shave AT INTERSECTIONS LOOK EACH WAY A HARP SOUNDS NICE BUT IT'S HARD TO PLAY Burma Shave BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL EYES ON THE ROAD THAT'S THE SKILLFUL DRIVER'S CODE Burma Shave THE ONE WHO DRIVES WHEN HE'S BEEN DRINKING DEPENDS ON YOU TO DO HIS THINKING Burma Shave CAR IN DITCH DRIVER IN TREE THE MOON WAS FULL AND SO WAS HE. Burma Shave PASSING SCHOOL ZONE TAKE IT SLOW LET OUR LITTLE SHAVERS GROW Burma Shave Do these bring back any old memories? If not, you're merely a child. If they do - then you're old as dirt..LIKE ME!
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